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Kurd Lasswitz
On Two Planets
H. G. Wells
The War of the Worlds
H. G. Wells
When the Sleeper Wakes

A fanatical socialist and author of prophetic writings, the main character awakes to see his dreams realized, and the future revealed to him in all its horrors and malformities.

1900 *

1901 *

1902 *

1903 *

1904 *

1905 *

1906 *

1907 *

1908 *

1909 *

1910 *

1911 *

1912 *

1913 *

1914 *

1915 *

1916 *

1917 *

1918 *

1919 *

Wells, HG. The Way to the League of Nations. : With Viscount Edward Grey, Lionel Curtis, William Archer, H. Wickham Steed, A. E. Zimmern, J. A. Spender, Viscount Bryce and Gilbert Murray.

1920 *

1921 *

1922 *

1923 *

Ogden, CK. The Meaning of Meaning. : With I. A. Richards.

1924 *

1925 *

1926 *

1927 *

1928 *

Wells, HG. The Open Conspiracy.

1929 *

1930 *

Ogden, CK. Basic English.

1931 *

1932 *

1933 *

Korzybski, A. Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics. : Cf. General semantics, #Hayakawa, SI 1949.

1934 *

1935 *

1936 *

Richards, IA. The Philosophy of Rhetoric. : cf. metaphor

1937 *

Wells, HG. World Brain: The Idea of a Permanent World Encyclopaedia. : Contribution to the new Encyclopédie Française, August, 1937. [1]

1938 *

Wells, HG. World Brain. : #Wells, HG 1993 (New ed. with AJ Mayne's "Critical Introduction")

1939 *

Bernal, JD. The Social Function of Science.
Borges, J. The Total Library.
Bush, V. Mechanization and the Record. : cf. #Bush, V 1945
Joyce, J. Finnegans Wake.
Wells, HG. The New World Order.

1940 *

Wells, HG. The Common Sense of War and Peace.

1941 *

Borges, J. The Library of Babel
Smith RA. Towards a Living Encyclopædia: A Contribution to Mr. Wells's New Encyclopædism.
Wells, HG. Guide to the New World.

1942 *

Wells, HG. Phoenix: A Summary of the Inescapable Conditions of World Reorganization.

1943 *

Wells, HG. Crux Ansata: An Indictment of the Roman Catholic Church.

1944 *

Wells, HG. Reshaping Man's Heritage. : With J. B. S. Haldane & Julian S. Huxley

1945 *

Bush, V. As We May Think. : The Atlantic Monthly (July) pp. 101-108.
Wells, HG. Mind at the End of its Tether.

1946 *

1947 *

1948 *

1949 *

1950 *

1951 *

1952 *

1953 *

1954 *

1955 *

1956 *

1957 *

1958 *

1959 *

1960 *

1961 *

1962 *

1963 *

1964 *

1965 *

1966 *

1967 *

1968 *

1969 *

1970 *

1971 *

1972 *

Kochen, M. WISE: A World Information Synthesis and Encyclopaedia. : Journal of Documentation 28: 322-341.

1973 *

1974 *

1975 *

Harold Lasswell

Policy Sciences and Population [1]

The first four chapters by the editors create a "framework" for applying the policy sciences to problems of population policy. Succeeding chapters apply this framework to particular countries worldwide. The framework depends largely on Lasswell's policy sciences model. (p. 245)

— Rodney Muth, et al, Harold D. Lasswell: An Annotated Bibliography, Springer, 1990
"Population Change and policy Sciences: Proposed Workshops on Reciprocal Impact Analysis" [2]

Distinguishing between population decisions (public order) and choices (civic order), Lasswell suggests how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be used to examine values relative to population policies. He briefly outlines the policy sciences approach for contextual, problem-oriented, multi-method analysis. He indicates how a " conceptual map" developed from this approach can be used to analyze population issues. (p.247)

— Rodney Muth, et al, Harold D. Lasswell: An Annotated Bibliography, Springer, 1990

1976 *

1977 *

1978 *

1979 *

1980 *

1981 *

1982 *

Barry Jones

Sleepers, Wake! [3]
See also: #2001 #Knowledge Nation

1983 *

1984 *

1985 *

1986 *

1987 *

1988 *

1989 *

1990 *

1991 *

1992 *

1993 *

1994 *

1995 *

1996 *

1997 *

1998 *

1999 *

2000 *


2001 *

Knowledge Nation

Knowledge Nation was the education policy of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), launched just before the 2001 Federal Election by then ALP leader Kim Beazley. Barry Jones was the principle planner of the Knowledge Nation blueprint, as chair of the Chifley Research Centre's Knowledge Nation Taskforce. The most remembered element is a chart with many nodes and many tangled lines connecting these nodes, representing the many components of Australia's education system. This complicated chart prompted the ALP's opposing parties to dub the policy "Noodle Nation".

2002 *

2003 *

2004 *

2005 *

Lesk ME. Digital Searching to Digital Reading. [2]
Lung R. H G Wells' Pre-Internet Idea of a World Brain. [3]

2006 *

Garfield E. "Commentary: Fifty Years of Citation Indexing." International Journal of Epidemiology, 35: 1127–1128. [4]
Krippendorff K. The Semantic Turn: A New Foundation for Design.

2007 *

Wallace DP. (ed.) Knowledge Management: Historical and Cross-Disciplinary Themes. Google Preview

2008 *

Rayward WB. (ed.) European Modernism and the Information Society: Informing the Present, Understanding the Past. Google Preview

2009 *

2010 *


  1. ^ Warren F. Ilchman, Harold D. Lasswell, John D. Montgomery, and Myron Weiner (eds.), Lexington, MA: Lexigton Books.
  2. ^ ibid pp. 117-135.
  3. ^ Jones, Barry O. (1982). Sleepers, Wake! Technology and the Future of Work, Oxford University Press.