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(geographic / cultural)
Arunachal Pradesh
Linguistic classification Sino-Tibetan? or an independent family
  • Arunachal

Arunachal languages are various languages in Arunachal Pradesh, India traditionally classified as Sino-Tibetan languages, but that may be language isolates and independent language families according to some scholars. Blench (2011) proposed four language isolates ( Hruso, Miji, Miju, and Puroik) and three independent families ( Mishmic, Kamengic, and Siangic). [1] However, this is disputed by Anderson (2014) [2] and others, who consider them to be primary branches of Sino-Tibetan rather than as isolates or independent language phyla.

Arunachal families

See also


  1. ^ Blench, Roger. 2011. (De)classifying Arunachal languages: Reconsidering the evidence. Archived 2013-05-26 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ Anderson, Gregory D.S. 2014. On the classification of the Hruso (Aka) language. Paper presented at the 20th Himalayan Languages Symposium, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
  3. ^ Blench, Roger. 2015. The Mijiic languages: distribution, dialects, wordlist and classification. m.s.