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Panniculus adiposus
Latinpanniculus adiposus
TA98 A16.0.03.002
TA2 7084
TH H3.
FMA 82501
Anatomical terminology

The panniculus adiposus is the fatty layer of the subcutaneous tissues, superficial to a deeper vestigial layer of muscle, the panniculus carnosus. [1]

It includes structures that are considered fascia by some sources but not by others. Some examples include the fascia of Camper and the superficial cervical fascia. [2]

A group of disorders of inflammation of this layer is called panniculitis.


  1. ^ McGrath, J.A.; Eady, R.A.; Pope, F.M. (2004). Rook's Textbook of Dermatology (Seventh Edition). Blackwell Publishing. Page 3.1. ISBN  978-0-632-06429-8.
  2. ^ Bailey, Byron J.; Johnson, Jonas T.; D. Newlands, Shawn; Calhoun, Karen S.; W Deskin, Ronald (2006). Head neck surgery--otolaryngology. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. p. 666. ISBN  0-7817-5561-1.