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Yves Sillard [1] is a French scientist and High public servant [2] who played a major role in the development of the French space program ( Ariane [3]). He headed the CNES, IFREMER, and the Délégation générale pour l'armement ( General Directorate for Armament).

Biography in short

1936 Birth in Coutances (Manche)

1954 enters École polytechnique

1957 chooses the Corps de l'armement

1959 graduates from Supaéro

1964 Secrétariat général à l'Aviation civile, Programme manager for Concorde

1969-1971 Head of the Centre spatial guyanais

1976-1982 General Director of the CNES

1982-1988 CEO of IFREMER

1989-1993 Délégué général pour l'armement

1994-1997 CEO Défense conseil international

1998 Assistant General Secretary for Scientific and Environmental Affairs at NATO

Books by Yves Sillard (in French)
