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addOnloadHook(start_freesearch); //Initiates the script on page load

function start_freesearch(){ //Begins the script

 mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:freesearch_form()', 'Search free images', 'tb-freesearch', 'Find free images using Google'); //Add link in toolbox


function freesearch_form(){

 var floatbox = new Floatbox("Find free images using Google (Version by Dipankan001)");

 var mainform = floatbox.create_form();

 mainform.setAttribute("action", "javascript:freesearch_eval();");

 var searchterm = floatbox.form_input("text", "searchterm");

 searchterm.value = wgTitle;

 floatbox.form_append("label", "Search term(s)");


 var submitbutton = floatbox.form_input("submit", "submit");

 submitbutton.value = "Search free images";


function freesearch_eval(){

 var w ="|cc_attribute|cc_sharealike).-(cc_noncommercial|cc_nonderived)&as_eq=wikipedia+wikimedia&as_q=" + enc(id("floatbox-floatform").searchterm.value));

