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sdf formed 1954. hand to had method for individual soldiers. toshukakuto created in 1952 technical director Chiba Sanshu. Combines jujutsu, judo, kempo, kaarate, aikijutsu, western boxing & werestling.

movements are minimalist to cope with soldiers load of equipment, no agility required. terrain a factor. some techniques for sneak attacks eg sentries. vertical thrust punches for increased impact, heel thrust kicks for same reason. (draeger)


police force art. 1927 shimizu takaji and takayama kenichi demonstrate jodo for police technical commission. shimizu appointed police instructor in 1931 (teachin tokubetsu keibitai unit). exempted from scap ban on martial arts in 1945.

wide range of applications: fatal, maiming, incapacitating, deterring. Used in mass demos of 1960s-70s.

keibo soho : shimizu headed technical commission to develop baton combat, uses techniques from shindo muso & ikeda ryu juttejutsu (shimizu headmaster of both).