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Harriet Martineau Information

During the whole course of my long task, it has appeared to me that Comte's work is the strongest embodied rebuke ever given to that form of theological intolerance which censures Positive Philosophy for pride of reason and lowness of morals...The theological world can not but hate a book which treats of theological belief as a transient state of mind. And again, the preachers and teachers, of all sects and schools, who keep to the ancient practice, once inevitable, of contemplating and judging the universe from the point of view of their own minds, instead of learning to take there stand outside there themselves, investigating from the universe inward, and not from within outward, must necessarily think of ill of a work which exposes the futility of this method, and the worthlessness of the results to which it leads. [1] Information

All things were together; then came Mind and set them in order.

This sentence is said to be the first sentence of the only book Anaxagoras wrote – title unknown. 428 - 499 BC.

The Greeks do not think correctly about coming-to-be and passing-away; for no thing comes to be or passes away, but is mixed together and dissociated from the things that are. And thus they would be correct to call coming-to-be mixing-together and passing-away dissociating.

Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker.

Since these things are so, it is right to think that there are many different things present in everything that is being combined, and seeds of all things, having all sorts of forms, colors, and flavors, and that humans and also the other animals were compounded, as many as have soul. Also that there are cities that have been constructed by humans and works made, just as with us, and that there are a sun and a moon and other heavenly bodies for them, just as with us, and the earth grows many different things for them, the most valuable of which they gather together into their household and use. I have said this about the separation off, because there would be separation off not only for us but also elsewhere.

Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker.

Xenophanes Information

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