From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • ...that Aramaean treaty-making in the first millenium BCE, as documented in the Sefire inscriptions, included loyalty oaths that invoked magical rites with curses to befall any violators?
  • ...that the liwan, a long narrow-fronted hall or vaulted portal often open to the outside, has been a feature of Levantine homes for more than 2,000 years?
  • ...that Moses, the first Arab Orthodox bishop, administered his duties while journeying with a nomadic confederation of Arabs in the fourth century?
  • ...that the village of Anasartha, located in Western Syria and today known as Khanasser, derived its water supply until 1975 from a 12-kilometre long Byzantine-era qanat?

<--*... that the Semitic triliteral Q-D-S meaning "holy" has been used in ancient and modern Semitic languages since at least the 3rd millenium BCE?-->