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Doraleous & Associates

Doraleous & Associates is an Internet sketch animated fantasy series created by the YouTube channel Hank and Jed. The series premiered on The Escapist in 2010. [1] It later premiered on July 22, 2012 on YouTube on Machinima's Happy Hour.


The series is set in a medieval fantasy world called Nudonia. It follows the misadventures of a group of warriors for hire, Doraleous and his associates (Drak, Mirdon and Neebs).


Main characters

  • Doraleous - human swordsman and leader of Doraleous & Associates. Doraleous is muscular man with black hair and a black beard. Doraleous used to be very fit but in later episodes admits he has "let himself go". He tends to wear chain-mail armor with a sword sheathed on his left shoulder. Doraleous also has a scar above and below his right eye, which he received after tripping over a rug.
    • Associates (work for Doraleous)
      • Drak - dwarf barbarian with a squeaky voice, Drak is fat and hairy. He wears little armour, even by the standards of the other barbarian characters such as Broof: a skull cap, loin cloth and baldric. He usually fights with a small axe in each hand, these can be thrown but are more commonly used in close combat. On full moons Drak tends to transform into a large shaggy brown semi-humanoid creature. (episodes 1-18 and 25- present)
      • Mirdon - human wizard, Mirdon is an elderly human with blue eyes and white eyebrows, moustache and beard. He wears a blue robe with gold trim, soft blue pointy hat with gold trim and gold earrings. His beard is confined by a rainbow-coloured scrunchy. He claims to only own two hats and was very upset when one was stolen. He carries a crooked wooden staff with gold trim and a spherical blue crystal held at the top.
      • Neebs - elf archer, Neebs is a skinny elf with a brown mullet. Neebs wears a green shirt and has a bow on his back and a quiver hung on his left arm. He is a very opinionated person and has a habit of stating his mind when ever he wants. (episodes 1-29, 45-48 (trial period) and 48-present)
      • Thesaurus - human archer, episodes 29-40
    • Doubtful Associates (recruited by Neebs but never formally by Doraleous)
      • Ladder Guy - human ladder bearer, (episodes 19-22)
    • Consultants (work with the company long term but not subordinate to Doraleous)
      • Broof - human barbarian, greatest of the Legapur Nine
      • Sir Walken - human knight swordsman

Other characters

  • Friends
    • Allies (fight usefully beside Doraleous and Associates)
      • Testaclees, human swordsman, generally recognised as the greatest warrior in Nudonia.
      • Ampherny, weakest of the  Legapur Nine
    • Not Really Allies (fight beside Doraleous and Associates, but not usefully)
      • Leslie, worst fighter and then champion of the Wetalds
    • Informants (tell them useful things)
      • Harry Pooter
      • The Fortune Teller
    • Not Really Informants (know useful things, but either vague or deliberately unhelpful)
      • The Lady of the Lake - custodian of the Zephyr Blade
      • The strange deadly old man from Mightopolis dungeon
  • Opponents
    • Perpetrators (people with evil plans opposed by D&A, but who have no intention to destroy D&A)
      • The Pyramites -
    • Unlimited Objective (start as perpetrators, come to hate Doraleous and Associates and try to kill them)
      • Titanus -
      • King Calas -
      • Brothers of the Old World
      • The Our Day Gang -
      • King Ragthorn of Mightopolis
    • Limited Objective (an obstacle but not trying to kill them)
      • Marty the troll -
      • Giligorf -
      • The Duke of Welfaré -
  • Clients (helped by Doraleous)
    • Aleena, niece of the owner of the Drongo Tavern
    • The Geigh General -
    • The Prince and Princess of Hyleria -
    • Olga -
    • The Wetald King -
  • Intended Clients (people Doraleous intended to help but didn't)
    • The Pyramites
    • The King and People of Meh -
    • King Norton of Ashbury -
  • Other
    • Billiam Wiggledart - acclaimed playwright

Combat Character Classification

Characters can be sorted into categories according to how they participate in combat. These categories aren't mentioned in the story but are sufficiently clear it's probably helpful to list them.

  • Knights or Swordsmen wear armour, though often leaving their arms bare, and wield swords. Examples: Doraleous, Testaclees, Titanus, Sir Walken, Ampherny, Atari, Titanus
  • Barbarians don't wear much armour and leave their chests bare, they often wield axes. Examples: Drak, Broof, the deadly old man, Varicose?
  • Archers wear little armour and wield bows. These characters tend to have wilderness skills. Examples: Neebs, Thesaurus, The Duke of Welfaré
  • Wizards wear robes and cast spells. Examples: Mirdon, Old World Wizard, Giligorf. Harry Pooter is a trainee wizard but when attacked didn't cast in his own defence.
  • Grunts carry swords, spears or bows and fight in large numbers in battles.
  • Monsters can also fight.
  • Commoners, and typically rulers, don't fight and presumable can't.


This is a list of the magical spells and artefacts seen or described in the series. For the moment I'm leaving out superhuman feats of strength and speed, but including Drak's lycanthropy.


All definite spells to date have been cast by Mirdon, Old World Wizard or Giligorf. Though the magical abilities of Meelog might also be wholly or partially achieved by spells, no spells were visibly cast. Old World Wizard is more powerful than Mirdon or Giligorf, who appear to be on about the same level.


Spells that are attempted and fail, or which the wizard aborts during casting, or which the wizard only claims to be able to cast, all count. When asked to list his spells Mirdon was only able to remember five, though he has demonstrated far more than that.

Some spells have a verbal component: the wizard calls out the spell's name as he casts, or babbles. Old World Wizard's spells seem to have no verbal component, Giligorf usually speaks in English, Mirdon's verbal components vary the most. Spell names are either English or Latin-sounding. 

Name of Spell Verbal Component Effect Used By (Episodes)
Avalanche of Inconvenience English Rocks fall in front of the victim, who needs to step over them. Mirdon (32, 42)
Column of Fire English Turns the leaves of a tree reddish-brown. Causes confusion. Giligorf (32)
Explosio Latin (Mirdon), None (Old World Wizard) Hurls several nearby enemies away from the caster. Could be multiple spells. Mirdon (13, 30, 49), Old World Wizard (23)
Googleus Hugleus (sp) Latin Enhances caster's senses, incidentally giving him oversized eyes, ears and nose. Mirdon (43, 48)
Lightning Babbling or None (Mirdon) None (Old World Wizard) Mirdon's favourite spell in his wizard school days. Could be multiple spells. Giligorf considered it to be dark magic. Mirdon (4, 32), Old World Wizard (49)
Metallo Dustisi(?) Latin Transforms metal into dust. Mirdon, failed (7)
Nose Noise of the North English Inflcts an annoying nose whistle on the victim. Can last months. Mirdon (32, 49)
Power Beam None or English Hurls a single target away from the caster. Can be blocked by another Power Beam. A battle of power beams revealed to Mirdon that Old World Wizard was very strong. Mirdon (23, 49), Old World Wizard (23), Giligorf (49)
River of Blood English A tendril grows into a flower with the face of a cow, which moos. Causes confusion. Giligorf (32)
Screaming Cock None Manifests a rooster head that projects forward from Mirdon's staff and screams. It can actually knock down an nearby person. Mirdon (?, 48, 49)
Serpentes Limbus Latin Transforms the victim's arms into snakes, which bite, apparently poison, and eventually eat the victim. Very upsetting to watch. Mirdon (48, 49)
Whirlwind English Unknown. Giligorf's favourite spell in his wizard school days. Giligorf, aborted (32)
Unknown None A spell to locate someone on a map of Nudonia. Mirdon - cast another spell by accident (43)
Unknown None Shatters object (e.g. flying boulder) into pieces. Mirdon (12)
Unknown None Throws a small explosion at a target, or perhaps several in succession. Old World Wizard (23)
Unknown None Green puff of smoke, inadequate for concealing an exit. Giligorf (32)
Unknown None Yellow light blasts target. Mirdon (37)
Unknown None Animates swords and throws them at a target. Could be the same as the spell used to telekinetically sieze a sword? Old World Wizard (49)
Unknown None Telekinetically grabs an object, such as a sword from a scabbard. Could be the same as the spell used to animate swords? Old World Wizard (49)
Unknown None Opens a tranny hole. Hole is initially small but grows after about five minutes. Giligorf (49)
Unknown Babbling Transforms a person into a beast. Drak, at least, seems to always transform into the same one. Mirdon (28, 49)
Unknown Unknown Brings a person or cat back to life. Experimental and only partially successful: subject returns to life several times, briefly, catches fire, comes back to life and dies again, and explodes. Mirdon (1, 21)

Magical Abilities

Meelog has the power to create magical warriors to serve him, such as the wooden army (Episodes 27, 29, 30) and a stone golem in Episode 37. This ability is partly mediated by his control of an orb.

The Fortune Teller can predict the future with the aid of a crystal ball.

Mirdon controls enslaved pigeons capable of putting up posters.

Mirdon knows at least two magical recipes, one of which is for frying fish.

Two characters have demonstrated the ability to return from the dead. Titanus was killed by Neebs in Episode 4, returned in Episode 26, was killed by Neebs a second time in Episode 27, returned in Episode 43, and was killed by Neebs a third time in Episode 44. The Old World Wizard was perhaps killed in Episode 23 and returned about eighty seconds later, then was definitely killed in Episode 23, returned in Episode 49, and was killed again the same episode.In each case the returned body bears the scars of the death wound(s).

Barat has been said to be unkillable. The staff of Arzon Prison attempted to kill him every day for a long time without success.

Magical Afflictions

Drak suffers from lycanthropy, presumably so does the monster who infected him.

In Episode 45 a group of villages were overrun by zombies known as The Undead.

Magical Artefacts

The Zephyr Blade is seen in Episodes 1 and 10, and used in Episode 44. Several other artefacts are mentioned in the Book of Pooter in Episode 10: The Bow of Eternity, the Staff of Light and the Ring of Ice.

Scattered throughout Nudonia and the Old World are "about" seven tranny holes, which once allowed rapid travel over long distances. All the tranny holes in Nudonia have been destroyed but Giligorf, working for the Old World Wizard, was able to partially reopen tranny hole number four.

Harry Pooter controls a magic broom that allows him to fly but normally leaves it in his locker at Shackleton Wizard School rather than carry it with him.

Mirdon's staff glows to provide light in Episode 38.


Season One

Number Name Summary Recurring Characters
1 Open for Business Doraleous cuts short his first meeting to ask the Lady of the Lake for the Zephyr Blade. Lady of the Lake
2 The War Room Mirdon's efforts to resurrect a cat disrupt the meeting.
3 The Troll Bridge A troll will allow D&A to pass only if they can guess his name. Marty
4 The Wetalds D&A agree to a battle of champions. King Calas, Leslie, Titanus, Wetald King
5 Worst vs Worst A battle of unchampions. King Calas, Leslie, Wetald King
6 Mightopolis The royal guards will not allow D&A to see the king.
7 The Dungeon D&A singing in the Mightopolis dungeon. Do you see a bitch? The universe says no. Old Man
8 Unexpected Gift D&A find a wooden horse outside Doraleous Castle. Doraleous rescues a boy wizard and argues with Sir Walken about sword hygiene. King Calas, Our Day Gang
9 Party Canceled D&A argue about moving the wooden horse and talk with the boy wizard. King Calas
10 Secret of the Zephyr Blade Doraleous asks the Lady of the Lake for the real Zephyr blade. Neebs, Mirdon and Drak argue about what to do with the horse. King Calas, Lady of the Lake, Prince of Hyleria
11 Digger Town En route to the Meh Kingdom, Mirdon buys a new crystal for his staff.
12 Hero Punctuation The Kingdom of Meh is unimpressed with Doraleous' efforts to help them. This might be a good thing.
13 The Pyramites Doraleous goes to the aid of the very friendly and helpful Pyramites.
14 Dongo Tavern D&A chat to girls and the proprietor of Drongo Tavern. King Calas
15 Girl in Mightopolis Neebs signs Doraleous up as a gladiator. Drak and Mirdon speak with a fortune teller. Fortune Teller, Leslie
16 Gladiator Doraleous helps Leslie battle a graboonie. Leslie, Wetald King
17 Arzon Prison Sir Walken tells D&A about the prisoner of Arzon.
18 No Horse for Walken An old man is hunting a terrible beast. Old Man
19 Goodbye Drak D&A bid farewell to one of their own. Neebs hires a replacement. Ladder Guy
20 The Cayous Ramparts Doraleous tries to negotiate a peace. Ladder Guy, Testaclees
21 Old World Gate In the aftermath of an attack from the Old World, Doraleous meets old friends and Mirdon speaks to the dead. Ladder Guy
22 Brothers of the Old World D&A investigate the Brothers of the Old World. Ladder Guy, Old World Wizard
23 Battle in Drongo D&A fight the Brothers of the Old World. Old World Wizard
24 The Theatre A performance of A Good Knight's Quest, by Billiam Wiggledart. King Calas
25 Drak is Back D&A must defend their comrade against a monster hunter. Lady of the Lake
26 Geogh Kingdom A messenger turtle from the Queer village summons D&A to the Geigh Kingdom. Geigh General, Titanus
27 Neebs vs Titanus Titanus returns from the dead for revenge on Neebs. Broof and Walken mock a strange wizard with puns. Geigh General, Meelog, Titanus
28 vs Giopes D&A rescue the surviving Queers from a Giopi army, with the aid of a gigantic beast.
29 Last Straw Doraleous fires Neebs and hires a replacement. Our Day Gang, Prince of Hyleria, Testaclees
30 Battle of Hyleria D&A fight the wooden army alongside Testaclees. Meelog, Prince of Hyleria, Testaclees
31 Self Struggle Testiclees asks the Lady of the Lake for the Zephyr Blade. Lady of the Lake, Testaclees
32 Wizard Duel Mirdon fights a wizardly duel with an old colleague. Geigh General, Gilagorf, Testaclees
33 Giope Invasion D&A aid the Geigh Kingdom against the Giopes. Geigh General
34 Black Cloaks Drak, Mirdon and Thesaurus confront the Black Cloaks. Doraleous and Broof visit Broof's grandmother.
35 Anthony Someone is killing Broof's comrades, the Legapur Nine.
36 Fortune Teller The fortune teller has disturbing news for Doraleous. Neebs becomes a broom salesman. Fortune Teller

Season Two

  • The animation of Season Two was funded through a Kickstarter.
Number Name Summary Recurring Characters
37 Doraleous Returns D&A rescue one of the Legapur Nine, while Neebs meets a captured king. King Otto, Meelog
38 Meowdusa D&A fight an endearing monster.
39 The Missing King King Neebs. King Otto
40 Damsel on a Budget When Olga has a problem, D&A agree to help her out on the cheap cheap. Marty
41 Immortal Prisoner Doraleous and Olga share a high five; Walken investigates Arzon prison.
42 Hanging Galliver Galliver is about to be unjustly hung... not if D&A can help it.
43 The Immagitchu Doraleous finds that he has been kidnapped, and is about to have to cross the forest containing the dreaded Immagitchu. King Otto, Our Day Gang
44 Titanus' Revenge Neebs fights Titanus; The Lady of the Lake gives Doraleous the Zephyr Blade. Lady of the Lake, Titanus
45 Walking Dead When D&A find a mysterious disease, it's up to them to find a cure.
46 Doraleous Hunters Calas hires a hunter to capture D&A. King Calas
47 Wetald's Speech D&A once again find themselves in the Wetald village on the brink of war, confronted with...Wesley. Leslie, Wetald King
48 Duke of Welfaré D&A ambushed by the Duke of Welfaré, Neebs gets kidnaped by the brotherhood of the old world. Ladder Guy, Old Man
49 Tranny Hole #4 The final epic battle between the brotherhood of the old world and D&A Gilagorf, Old World Wizard

Production crew

Company Credits

  • Hank and Jed Movie Pictures


  • Composer: Alex Beard

Voice cast

  • Nate Panning - Doraleous
  • Jon Etheridge - Mirdon
  • Bryan Mahoney - Drak
  • Tony Schnur - Sir Walken
  • Brent Triplett - Neebs


External links