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The Four Freedoms, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, Washington, D.C.

"A child, a moron, a failure, and a psychopath. Quite a little team you've put together."
"What do you want, Brunt?"
"I’m here to sign up."
DS9, 6.10

On the campaign trail, 2024

1:09:43: Purse lips, cue violins, read off teleprom .... look right, look left, dang, the teleprompter isn't prompting, keep pursing lips, keep pursing lips, read off teleprompter: and here comes the stream of lies. Banks collapsing, begging Venezuela for oil. We just recently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will repedoing - ahh - will be reducing their oil production, so sad. We are a nation that is consumed by the left screen new deal. (The new deals on the right screen are better?)

Crowd gathering on Wall Street after the 2024 crash