From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About Me

By day I'm just an average citizen, located in the northeastern U.S., who reads and writes for a living. By night, I have an insatiable compulsion to edit and clean up wiki articles. Spelling errors, bad grammar, unattributed assertions of fact, thinly-veiled sales pitches, tendentious prose - they all just push me over the edge, and I can't help but jump in and try to fix things.

One of my favorite places in the world is the central California coast, which I try to visit at least once a year. Many of the articles I edit are about locations on this coast, especially Big Sur. The only reason I don't live in Big Sur right now is that I don't have $5 million lying around to buy a house there, but I'm working on it.

Places I've Visited

United States Information





New York



Argentina Information

Canada Information

Costa Rica Information

France Information

Great Britain Information

Italy Information

Japan Information

Spain Information