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< User:PC-XT‎ | KIS‎ | letter



{{ User:PC-XT/KIS/letter|Aa}}


This a Keep It Simple Label to indicate your favorite letter. The following letter codes are supported:


Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


a, бэ, вэ, гэ, дэ, е, ё, жэ, зэ, и, и краткое, ка, эл, эм, эн, o, пэ, эр, эс, тэ, у, эф, ха, це, че, ша, ща, твёрдый знак, Ы, мягкий знак, э, ю, я


Αα Ββ Γγ Δδ Εε Ζζ Ηη Θθ Ιι Κκ Λλ Μμ Νν Ξξ Οο Ππ Ρρ Σσ Σς Σσς Ττ Υυ Φφ Χχ Ψψ Ωω
(3 variants of sigma are given for aesthetic purposes.)

See also

Latin letter codes are the same as those used in the userbox Template:User_favorite_letter/English_alphabet. Russian letter codes and target pages were taken from the userbox Template:User_favorite_letter/Russian_alphabet.