From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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// <nowiki>

const editableReferences = [];

let currentlySelectedRef;

const rfApi = new mw.Api();

let refsSaved = 0;

const referenceTemplateData = {

























const supportedArgs = 

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	"publisher", "archiveurl", "archive-url", "date", "url-status"


async function runReferenceEditor() {

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		.map(ref => => a1].toLowerCase(), a2]]));


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			url: refUrl0],

			args: referenceArgsi],

			wikitext: referencesi][2




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			case "publisher":

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				} else {

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						year = date.getUTCFullYear();


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function getAuthors() {

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function padNum(num, length) {

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	return num;


function saveReference() {

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async function referenceFixerLoadArchive(button) {

	button.innerText = "Loading...";

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	const url = getInputValue("URL");

	const archive = await getArchiveURL(url);



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async function getArchiveURL(url) {

	try {

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		const json = await response.json();

		if (!json"archived_snapshots" || !json"archived_snapshots"]["closest"]) {

			return { url: "", day: "", month: "", year: "" };


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		const _, year, month, day = timestamp.match(/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/);

		return { url: archiveURL, day, month, year };

	} catch (e) {

		console.log("Could not fetch archive url: " + e);

		return { url: "", day: "", month: "", year: "" };



async function saveButtonClicked(button) {

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async function referenceEditorSave() {

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async function wikitextToHTML(wikitext) {

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		function (data) {





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