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Information ecologist

I have defined my profession as an information ecologist since 1996, in response to a conception of information ecology as an embryonic holistic life science and operating system for sustainability and peace that emerged during the final stages of preparation for the 1996 Habitat II Conference in Istanbul. The seeds of information ecology had been planted with the June 1990 recognition of the transformed nature of information habitats in an era of microcomputers and information and communications technology.

Information ecology

A networked knowledge-based universe

Information ecosystems

Information habitats

Evolution of information species

Economics of information

Current focus

My current focus is participation in design, development, implementation and mobilization of an enabling global information ecology framework optimized for the environment, nature & properties of a free digital networked knowledge-based universe - a universe in which knowledge is the basis of wealth and where access to wealth is free from the constraints of: the law of conservation of energy; the law of conservation of mass; and of three-dimensional Cartesian space and geometry.

My life's work up to that time had prepared me for the profession of information ecologist. I had been headed for a promising academic career as a mathematical sociologist with degrees in mathematics and economics at Cambridge and social science research & methodology - at Johns Hopkins. However I withdrew from academia in 1972 in the context of participation in the Vietnam Peace movement, concern as to the dominance of academia by a military-industrial complex, and a commitment .

I learned much about information ecology in more than thirteen years at the Baltimore City Jail - as librarian for eight and a half years, and the remaining five years an an administrative analyst and in the course of thirty years of experience with advocacy & activist organizations that focused on peace, health, community development.

The ecological dimensions of my training have grown out of a love for the natural environment and as an organic gardener - with a passion for composting that I had learned as a child, combined with an appreciation of holistic processes.

Since May, 1989, my attention had been focused on the preparations for the 1992 Earth Summit / UNCED, and on the vital role that information technology could play in support of broad-based participation of NGOs in the conference, and I had developed an outline proposal for an information, public participation and communications system [1] that had led to the 1990 Earth Day launch of a "Global Environmental Network" by the UNCED Secretariat.

My current focus is on preparations for the 61st Annual DPI/NGO Conference, planned for 3-5 September, 2008 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, and I have been serving as Co-Chair of the Research, Communications and Website Sub-Committee, with a vision of 'UDHR@60+ - protection and realization of human rights in a free knowledge-based universe - and the development of a TiddlyWiki-based site for the conference at

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Selected web sites

  • Information Habitat: Where Information Lives -
    • Information Ecology archives - - a DataPerfect-generated hyperlinked archive of more than 200 projects, through 2004, that had served as the background, training and experience I had been involved with
    • Seasons of Peace Cooperation Circles - -
    • Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence - - a ten-week DataPerfect-generated curriculum in nonviolence for the annual season honouring the life, work & teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and Rev. Martin Luther King
    • History of the Peace Cubes - - a DataPerfect-generated hyperlinked history of the amazing Virtual Light & Colour Cubes, virtual entities with dimensions of red, blue and green and icons for the transformation to a knowledge-based universe and of one light in all of creation, that were dedicated as Peace Cubes at the March 1997 Earthday ceremony at the Peace Bell at UN headquarters
  • Reaffirming Human Rights: The Universal Declaration at 60 - - the interim official web site, built on a TiddlyWiki platform, for the 61st Annual UN/NGO Conference, planned for 3-5 September at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, with an extensive set of hyperlinked human rights instruments, conventions and declarations and a vision of "UDHR@60+" based on realization of the larger freedoms of expression, association, the press, access to information and more that exist in a knowledge-based universe
  • CoNGO Education Committee - - a TiddlyWiki site for the Education Committee of the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations, including an extensive collection of documents relating to Education For All and Education for Sustainable Development
    • UN Documents Cooperation Circle: Gathering a body of global agreements - - a uniques, hyperlinked, DataPerfect-generated compilation of more than 500 key UN documents (many of which had only previously been available as scanned pdf files) relating to peace, sustainability, education, human rights and more
      • Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment & Development - - the first HTML version of the landmark report that defined sustainable development and served as the foundation for the Earth Summit
    • Climate Change 2.0 - - a TiddlyWiki site seeking to harness the tools, resource, properties and intelligence of Web 2.0 in addressing the crisis of climate change and to facilitate the profound change to a sustainable development path based on a knowledge-based universe