From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.


 * Derived from Technical 13's version [1] of Equazcion's OneClickArchiver [2]

 * [1] < /info/en/?search=User:Technical_13/Scripts/OneClickArchiver.js >

 * [2] < /info/en/?search=User:Equazcion/OneClickArchiver.js >


// <nowiki>

mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api'], function() {

var config = mw.config.get([










$( document ).ready( function () {

	if ( ( $( '#ca-addsection' ).length > 0 ||

		$.inArray( 'Non-talk pages that are automatically signed', config.wgCategories )  >= 0 ) &&

		config.wgAction === 'view' &&

		$.inArray( 'Pages that should not be manually archived', config.wgCategories ) === -1 ) {

		var OCAstate = mw.user.options.get( 'userjs-OCA-enabled', 'true' );

		var pageid = config.wgArticleId;

		var errorLog = { errorCount: 0 };

		new mw.Api().get( {

			action: 'query',

			prop:  'revisions', 'info' ],

			rvsection: 0,

			rvprop: 'content',

			pageids: pageid,

			indexpageids: 1,

			rawcontinue: ''

		} ).done( function ( response0 ) {

			var thisMonthNum, thisMonthFullName, monthNamesShort, thisMonthShortName, thisYear, archiveNum;


			var content0 = response0.query.pages pageid ].revisions 0 ][ '*' ];


			/* archiveme */// Find out if there is already an {{Archive me}} request, and if it is between 1-2 months old

			if ( config.wgNamespaceNumber === 3 ) {

				thisMonthNum = new Date().getMonth();

				thisMonthFullName = config.wgMonthNames thisMonthNum + 1 ];

				monthNamesShort =  "", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ];

				thisMonthShortName = monthNamesShort thisMonthNum + 1 ];

				thisYear = new Date().getFullYear();

				var nowOcto = parseInt( ( ( thisYear * 12 ) + thisMonthNum + 1 ), 10 );

				var archiveme = content0.match( /\{\{Archive ?me(\| *date *= *(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) ([\d]{4}))?\}\}/i );

				if ( archiveme === null || archiveme === undefined ) {


					errorLog.archiveme = '{{Archiveme}} not found.';

				} else {

					/* Archive me found - how old is it? */

					var archivemeMonth = archiveme 2 ];

					var archivemeMonthNum = 0;

					if ( typeof archivemeMonth === 'number' ) {

						archivemeMonthNum = parseInt( archivemeMonth, 10 );

					} else {

						for ( var i in config.wgMonthNames ) {

							if ( archivemeMonth === config.wgMonthNames i  ) {

								archivemeMonthNum = parseInt( i, 10 );

							} else if ( archivemeMonth === monthNamesShort i  ) {

								archivemeMonthNum = parseInt( i, 10 );




					var archivemeYear = parseInt( archiveme 3 ], 10 );

					var archivemeOcto = parseInt( ( ( archivemeYear * 12 ) + archivemeMonthNum ), 10 );

					var archivemeSafe = parseInt( ( nowOcto - 2 ), 10 );

					archiveme = archiveme 0 ];




			/* counter */// Get the counter value

			var counterRegEx = new RegExp( '\\| *counter *= *(\\d+)' );

			var counter = counterRegEx.exec( content0 );

			if ( counter === null || counter === undefined ) {

				counter = 1;


				errorLog.counter = counter;

			} else {

				counter = counter 1 ];

				archiveNum = counter;



			/* archiveName */// Get the archiveName value

			var archiveNameRegEx = /\| *archive *= *(.*\%\(counter\)d.*) *(-->)?/;

			var archiveName = archiveNameRegEx.exec( content0 );

			var rootBase = config.wgPageName

					.replace( /\/.*/g, '' )// Chop off the subpages

					.replace( /_/g, ' ' );// Replace underscores with spaces

			if ( archiveName === null || archiveName === undefined ) {

				archiveName = rootBase + '/Archive ' + counter;


				errorLog.archiveName = archiveName;

			} else { 

				archiveName = archiveName 1 

					.replace( /\| *archive *= */, '' )

					.replace( /\%\(year\)d/g, thisYear )

					.replace( /\%\(month\)d/g, thisMonthNum )

					.replace( /\%\(monthname\)s/g, thisMonthFullName )

					.replace( /\%\(monthnameshort\)s/g, thisMonthShortName )

					.replace( /\%\(counter\)d/g, archiveNum );

				var archiveBase = archiveName

					.replace( /\/.*/, '' )// Chop off the subpages

					.replace( /_/g, ' ' );// Replace underscores with spaces

				var archiveSub = archiveName

					.replace( /_/g, ' ' )// Replace underscores with spaces

					.replace( archiveBase, '' );// Chop off the base pagename

				if ( archiveBase != rootBase ) {


					errorLog.archiveName = 'Archive name mismatch:<br /><br />Found: ' + archiveName;

					errorLog.archiveName += '<br />Expected: ' + rootBase.replace( '_', ' ' ) + archiveSub + '<br /><br />';




			/* archivepagesize */// Get the size of the destination archive from the API

			new mw.Api().get( {

				action: 'query',

				prop: 'revisions',rvlimit: 1,

				rvprop:  'size', 'content' ],

				titles: archiveName,

				list: 'usercontribs',

				uclimit: 1,

				ucprop: 'timestamp',

				ucuser: ( ( config.wgRelevantUserName ) ?

					config.wgRelevantUserName : 'Example' ),

				rawcontinue: '',

			} ).done( function ( archivePageData ) {

				var archivePageSize = 0;

				if ( archivePageData.query.pages -1  === undefined ) {

					for ( var a in archivePageData.query.pages ) {

						archivePageSize = parseInt( archivePageData.query.pages a ].revisions 0 ].size, 10 );

						archiveName = archivePageData.query.pages a ].title;


				} else {

					archivePageSize = -1;

					archiveName = archivePageData.query.pages archivePageSize ].title;


					errorLog.archivePageSize = -1;

					errorLog.archiveName = '<a class="new" href="' +

						mw.util.getUrl( archiveName, { action: 'edit', redlink: '1' } ) +

						'" title="' + archiveName + '">' + archiveName + '</a>';



				/* maxarchivesize */// Get the defined max archive size from template

				var maxArchiveSizeRegEx = new RegExp( '\\| *maxarchivesize *= *(\\d+K?)' );

				var maxArchiveSize = maxArchiveSizeRegEx.exec( content0 );

				if ( maxArchiveSize === null || maxArchiveSize 1  === undefined ) {

					maxArchiveSize = parseInt( 153600, 10 );


					errorLog.maxArchiveSize = maxArchiveSize;

				} else if ( maxArchiveSize 1 ].slice( -1 ) === "K" && $.isNumeric( maxArchiveSize 1 ].slice( 0, maxArchiveSize 1 ].length-1 ) ) ) {

					maxArchiveSize = parseInt( maxArchiveSize 1 ].slice( 0, maxArchiveSize 1 ].length - 1 ), 10 ) * 1024;

				} else if ( $.isNumeric( maxArchiveSize 1 ].slice() ) ) {

					maxArchiveSize = parseInt( maxArchiveSize 1 ].slice(), 10 );



				/* pslimit */// If maxArchiveSize is defined, and archivePageSize >= maxArchiveSize increment counter and redfine page name.

				if ( !errorLog.maxArchiveSize && archivePageSize >= maxArchiveSize ) {


					archiveName = archiveNameRegEx.exec( content0 );

					archiveName = archiveName 1 

						.replace( /\| *archive *= */, '' )

						.replace( /\%\(year\)d/g, thisYear )

						.replace( /\%\(month\)d/g, thisMonthNum )

						.replace( /\%\(monthname\)s/g, thisMonthFullName )

						.replace( /\%\(monthnameshort\)s/g, thisMonthShortName )

						.replace( /\%\(counter\)d/g, counter );

					var oldCounter = counterRegEx.exec( content0 );

					var newCounter = '|counter=1';

					if ( oldCounter !== null && oldCounter !== undefined ) {

						newCounter = oldCounter 0 ].replace( oldCounter 1 ], counter );

						oldCounter = oldCounter 0 ];

					} else {


						errorLog.newCounter = newCounter;




				/* archiveheader */// Get the defined archive header to place on archive page if it doesn't exist

				var archiveHeaderRegEx = new RegExp( '\\| *archiveheader *= *(\{\{[^\r\n]*\}\})' );

				var archiveHeader = archiveHeaderRegEx.exec( content0 );

				if ( archiveHeader === null || archiveHeader === undefined ) {

					archiveHeader = "{{Aan}}";


					errorLog.archiveHeader = archiveHeader;

				} else {

					archiveHeader = archiveHeader 1 ];



				/* headerlevel */// Get the headerlevel value or default to '2'

				var headerLevelRegEx = new RegExp( '\\| *headerlevel *= *(\\d+)' );

				var headerLevel = headerLevelRegEx.exec( content0 );

				if ( headerLevel === null || headerLevel === undefined ) {

					headerLevel = 2;


					errorLog.headerLevel = headerLevel;

				} else {

					headerLevel = parseInt( headerLevel 1  );



				/* debug */// Table to report the values found.

				if ( config.debug === true ) {

					var OCAreport = '<table style="width: 100%;" border="1"><tr><th style="font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 20px;">config</th><th style="font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 20px;">value</th></tr>';

					OCAreport += '<tr><td>Counter</td><td style="text-align: center;';

					if ( errorLog.counter ) { OCAreport += ' background-color: #FFEEEE;">' + errorLog.counter; }

						else { OCAreport += '">' + counter; }

					OCAreport += '</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">Archive name</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;';

					if ( errorLog.archiveName ) { OCAreport += ' background-color: #FFEEEE;">' + errorLog.archiveName; }

						else { OCAreport += '">' + archiveName; }

					OCAreport += '</td></tr><tr><td>Header Level</td><td style="text-align: center;';

					if ( errorLog.headerLevel ) { OCAreport += ' background-color: #FFEEEE;">' + errorLog.headerLevel; }

						else { OCAreport += '">' + headerLevel; }

					OCAreport +=  '</td></tr><tr><td>Archive header</td><td style="text-align: center;';

					if ( errorLog.archiveHeader ) { OCAreport += ' background-color: #FFEEEE;">' + errorLog.archiveHeader; }

						else { OCAreport += '">' + archiveHeader; }

					OCAreport +=  '</td></tr><tr><td>Max<br />archive size</td><td style="text-align: center;';

					if ( errorLog.maxArchiveSize ) { OCAreport += ' background-color: #FFEEEE;">' + errorLog.maxArchiveSize; }

						else { OCAreport += '">' + maxArchiveSize; }

					OCAreport +=  '</td></tr><tr><td>Current<br />archive size</td><td style="text-align: center;';

					if ( errorLog.archivePageSize ) { OCAreport += ' background-color: #FFEEEE;">' + archivePageSize; }

						else if ( archivePageSize >= maxArchiveSize ) { OCAreport += ' background-color: #FFEEEE;">' + archivePageSize; }

						else { OCAreport += '">' + archivePageSize; }

					if ( !errorLog.archiveme && archiveme !== undefined ) {

						OCAreport +=  '</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;';

						if ( ( nowOcto - archivemeOcto ) <= 1 ) { OCAreport += '">Asked to archive '; }

						if ( ( nowOcto - archivemeOcto ) === 0 ) { OCAreport += 'this month'; }

						else if ( ( nowOcto - archivemeOcto ) === 1 ) { OCAreport += 'last month'; }

						else { OCAreport += ' background-color: #FFEEEE;">Asked to archive ' + ( nowOcto - archivemeOcto ) + ' months ago'; }


					if ( errorLog.archiveme || archiveme !== undefined ) { OCAreport +=  '</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;'; }

						if ( errorLog.archiveme ) { OCAreport +=  ' background-color: #FFEEEE;">' + errorLog.archiveme; }

						else if ( archiveme !== undefined ) { OCAreport += '">' + archiveme; }

					OCAreport +=  '</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size: larger; text-align: center;"><a href="/wiki/User:Technical_13/Scripts/OneClickArchiver" title="User:Technical 13/Scripts/OneClickArchiver">Documentation</a></td></tr></table>';

					mw.notify( $( OCAreport ), { title: 'OneClickArchiver report!', tag: 'OCA', autoHide: false } );



				var OCAerror = '<p>The following errors detected:<br />';

				if ( errorLog.counter ) { OCAerror += '<b style="font-size: larger; color: #FF0000;">&bull;</b>&nbsp;Unable to find <b>|counter=</b><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Default value: <b>1</b><br />'; }

				if ( errorLog.archiveName && 'defaulted to' ) !== -1 ) { OCAerror += '<b style="font-size: larger; color: #FF0000;">&bull;</b>&nbsp;Unable to find <b>|archive=</b><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Default value: <b>' + archiveName + '</b><br />'; }

				if ( errorLog.archiveName && 'mismatch' ) !== -1 ) { OCAerror += '<b style="font-size: larger; color: #FF0000;">&bull;</b>&nbsp;Archive name mismatch detected.<br />'; }

				if ( errorLog.headerLevel ) { OCAerror += '&nbsp; Unable to find <b>|headerlevel=</b><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Default value: <b>2</b><br />'; }

				if ( errorLog.archiveHeader ) { OCAerror += '&nbsp; Unable to find <b>|archiveheader=</b><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Default value: <b>"{{Aan}}"</b><br />'; }

				if ( errorLog.maxArchiveSize ) { OCAerror += '&nbsp; Unable to find <b>|maxarchivesize=</b><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Default value: <b>153600</b><br />'; }

				if ( errorLog.counter || errorLog.archiveName ) { OCAerror += '<br /><b style="font-size: larger; color: #FF0000;">&bull;</b>&nbsp;Causing the script to abort.<br />'; }

				OCAerror += '<br /><span style="font-size: larger;">Please, see <a href="/wiki/User:Technical_13/Scripts/OneClickArchiver" title="User:Technical 13/Scripts/OneClickArchiver">the documentation</a> for details.</span></p>';

				var archiverReport = mw.util.addPortletLink(





					'Report for why there are no |Archive links on this page',




				$( archiverReport ).click( function ( e ) {


					mw.notify( $( OCAerror ), { title: 'OneClickArchiver errors!', tag: 'OCAerr', autoHide: false } );

				} );


				if ( config.wgNamespaceNumber === 3 && ( errorLog.counter || errorLog.archiveName ) &&

				config.debug === true && errorLog.archiveme )  {

					if ( confirm( 'Click [OK] to post {{Archiveme|{{SUBST:DATE}}}} to the top of the page and abort or\n\t[Cancel] to attempt running with default values.' ) === true ) {

						new mw.Api().postWithToken( 'edit', {

							action: 'edit',

							section: 0,

							pageid: pageid,

							text: '{{Archiveme|{{SUBST:DATE}}}}\n' + content0,

							summary: '{{[[Template:Archiveme|Archiveme]]}} posted with [[User:Evad37/OneClickArchiver|OneClickArchiver]].'

						} ).done( function () {

							alert( 'Request for user to set up archiving posted.' );


						} );


				} else if ( config.wgNamespaceNumber === 3 && archivemeOcto >= archivemeSafe ) {


					/* Archive me request was made, give the user a chance to comply */


				} else if ( config.wgNamespaceNumber === 3 && ( errorLog.counter || errorLog.archiveName ) && config.debug === true && confirm( '{{Archiveme}} found on the top of the page:\n\n\t Click [OK] abort or\n\t[Cancel] to attempt running with default values.' ) === true ) {


					/* User aborted script */


				} else {

					$( 'h' + headerLevel + '' ).each( function() {

						var sectionName = $( this ).text();

						var editSectionUrl = $( this ).parent().find('.mw-editsection a').not('.mw-editsection-visualeditor').first().attr( 'href' );

						var sectionReg = /&section=(.*)/;

						var sectionRaw = sectionReg.exec( editSectionUrl );

						if ( sectionRaw != null && sectionRaw 1 ].indexOf( 'T' ) < 0 ) {

							var sectionNumber = parseInt( sectionRaw 1  );

							if ( $( this ).parent().prop( 'tagName' ) === 'H' + headerLevel ) {


								$( this ).parent( 'h' + headerLevel ).append(

									' <div style="font-size: 0.6em; font-weight: bold; float: right;"> | <a id="' + sectionNumber +

									'" href="#archiverLink" class="archiverLink">' + 'Archive' + '</a></div>'


								$(this).parent('h' + headerLevel).find('a.archiverLink').attr('title', 'Archive to: "'+archiveName+'"');

								$( this ).parent( 'h' + headerLevel ).find( 'a.archiverLink' ).click( function() {


									var mHeaders = '<span style="color: #444444;">Retrieving headers...</span>';

									var mSection = 'retrieving section content...';

									var mPosting = '<span style="color: #004400">Content retrieved,</span> performing edits...';

									var mPosted = '<span style="color: #008800">Archive appended...</span>';

									var mCleared = '<span style="color: #008800">Section cleared...</span>';

									var mReloading = '<span style="color: #000088">All done! </span><a href="#archiverLink" onClick="javascript:location.reload();" title="Reload page">Reloading</a>...';


									$( 'body' ).append( '<div class="overlay" style="background-color: #000000; opacity: 0.4; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 500;"></div>' );					


									$( 'body' ).prepend( '<div class="arcProg" style="font-weight: bold; box-shadow: 7px 7px 5px #000000; font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1.5em; z-index: 501; opacity: 1; position: fixed; width: 50%; left: 25%; top: 30%; background: #F7F7F7; border: #222222 ridge 1px; padding: 20px;"></div>' );


									$( '.arcProg' ).append( '<div>' + mHeaders + '</div>' );


									$( '.arcProg' ).append( '<div>' + 'Archive name <span style="font-weight: normal; color: #003366;">' + archiveName + '</span> <span style="color: darkgreen;">found</span>, ' + mSection + ' (' + archivePageSize + 'b)</div>' );

									new mw.Api().get( {

										action: 'query',

										pageids: pageid,

										rvsection: sectionNumber,

										prop:  'revisions', 'info' ],

										rvprop: 'content',

										indexpageids: 1,

										rawcontinue: ''

									} ).done( function ( responseSection ) {

										var sectionContent = responseSection.query.pages pageid ].revisions 0 ][ '*' ];

										$( '.arcProg' ).append( '<div>' + mPosting + '</div>' );


										var dnau = sectionContent.match( /<!-- \[\[User:DoNotArchiveUntil\]\] ([\d]{2}):([\d]{2}), ([\d]{1,2}) (January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) ([\d]{4}) \(UTC\) -->/ );

										var dnauDate;

										if ( dnau === null || dnau === undefined ) {

											dnauDate =;

											dnau = null;

										} else {

											dnau = dnau 1  + ':' + dnau 2  + ' ' + dnau 3  + ' ' + dnau 4  + ' ' + dnau 5 ];

											dnauDate = new Date( dnau );

											dnauDate = dnauDate.valueOf();



										if ( dnauDate > ) {

											$( '.arcProg' ).remove();

											$( '.overlay' ).remove();

											var dnauAbortMsg = '<p>This section has been marked \"Do Not Archive Until\" ' + dnau + ', so archiving was aborted.<br /><br /><span style="font-size: larger;">Please, see <a href="/wiki/User:Technical_13/Scripts/OneClickArchiver" title="User:Technical 13/Scripts/OneClickArchiver">the documentation</a> for details.</span></p>';

											mw.notify( $( dnauAbortMsg ), { title: 'OneClickArchiver aborted!', tag: 'OCAdnau', autoHide: false } );

										} else {

											var archiveAction = 'adding section';

											if ( archivePageSize <= 0 || ( archivePageSize >= maxArchiveSize && !errorLog.maxArchiveSize ) ) {

												sectionContent = archiveHeader + '\n\n' + sectionContent;

												archiveAction = 'creating';

												mPosted = '<span style="color: #008800">Archive created...</span>';

											} else {

												sectionContent = '\n\n{{Clear}}\n' + sectionContent;



											if ( dnau != null ) {

												sectionContent = sectionContent.replace( /<!-- \[\[User:DoNotArchiveUntil\]\] ([\d]{2}):([\d]{2}), ([\d]{1,2}) (January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) ([\d]{4}) \(UTC\) -->/g, '' );



											new mw.Api().postWithToken( 'edit', {

												action: 'edit',

												title: archiveName,

												appendtext: sectionContent,

												summary: '/* '+sectionName+' */ archived using [[User:Evad37/OneClickArchiver|OneClickArchiver]])'

											} ).done( function () {

												$( '.arcProg' ).append( '<div class="archiverPosted">' + mPosted + '</div>' );

												new mw.Api().postWithToken( 'edit', {

													action: 'edit',

													section: sectionNumber,

													pageid: pageid,

													text: '',

													summary: '[[User:Evad37/OneClickArchiver|OneClickArchived]] "' + sectionName + '" to [[' + archiveName + ']]'

												} ).done( function () {

													$( '.arcProg' ).append( '<div class="archiverCleared">' + mCleared + '</div>' );

													if ( archivePageSize >= maxArchiveSize && !errorLog.maxArchiveSize ) {

														var mUpdated = '<span style="color: #008800">Counter updated...</span>';

														new mw.Api().postWithToken( 'edit', {

															action: 'edit',

															section: 0,

															pageid: pageid,

															text: content0.replace( oldCounter, newCounter ),

															summary: '[[User:Evad37/OneClickArchiver|OneClickArchiver]] updating counter.'

														} ).done( function () {

															$( '.arcProg' ).append( '<div class="archiverPosted">' + mUpdated + '</div>' );

															$( '.arcProg' ).append( '<div>' + mReloading + '</div>' );


														} );

													} else {

														$( '.arcProg' ).append( '<div>' + mReloading + '</div>' );



												} );

											} );


									} );

								} );



					} );


			} );

		} );

		var linkTextD = '1CA is on', linkDescD = 'Disable OneClickArchiver';

		var linkTextE = '1CA is off', linkDescE = 'Enable OneClickArchiver';

		var linkText = linkTextD, linkDesc = linkDescD;

		if ( OCAstate === 'false' ) {

			linkText = linkTextE; linkDesc = linkDescE;

			$( 'div.archiverDiv, li#pt-OCA-report' ).css( 'display', 'none' );


		var archiverToggle = mw.util.addPortletLink(









		$( archiverToggle ).click( function ( e ) {


			/* Toggle the archiveLinks */

			$( 'div.archiverDiv' ).css( 'display', function ( _i, val ) {

				return val === 'none' ? '' : 'none';


			/* Toggle the toggle link */

			$( 'li#pt-OCA a' ).html( function ( _i, val ) {

				return val === linkTextD ? linkTextE : linkTextD;


			/* Toggle the toggle description */

			$( 'li#pt-OCA a' ).attr( 'title', function ( _i, val ) {

				return val === linkDescD ? linkDescE : linkDescD;


			/* Toggle the error report link */

			if ( ( errorLog.counter || errorLog.archiveName ) ) {

				$( 'li#pt-OCA-report' ).css( 'display', function ( _i, val ) {

					return val === 'none' ? '' : 'none';



			/* Toggle default state */

			new mw.Api().postWithToken( 'options', {

				action: 'options',

				optionname: 'userjs-OCA-enabled',

				optionvalue: OCAstate === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true'

			} ).done( function() {

				var resultMsg = 'OneClickArchiver is now ' + ( OCAstate === 'true' ? 'disabled' : 'enabled' ) + ' by default.';


				OCAstate = OCAstate === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true';

			} );

		} );


} );


// </nowiki>