From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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// <nowiki>

( function () {

    var UNBLOCK_REQ_COLOR = "rgb(235, 244, 255)";

    var SIGNATURE = "~~" + "~~";

    var DECLINE_REASON_HERE = "{" + "{subst:Decline reason here}}"; // broken up to prevent processing

    var ADVERT = " ([[User:Enterprisey/unblock-review|unblock-review]])";

    // Making this a function for unit test reasons.

    function getInitialText(wikitext, appealReason) {


        function escapeRegExp(string) {

            return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string


        let regEx = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(appealReason), 'g');

        let matches = wikitext.matchAll(regEx);

        matches = [...matches];

        if( matches.length === 0 ) {

            throw new Error( "Searching for target text failed!" );


        for ( let match of matches ) {

            var textIdx = match.index;

            var startIdx = textIdx;

            // check for {{tlx|unblock. if found, this isn't what we want, skip.

            let startOfSplice = startIdx - 50 < 0 ? 0 : startIdx - 50;

            var chunkFiftyCharactersWide = wikitext.substring(startOfSplice, startIdx);

            if ( /\{\{\s*tlx\s*\|\s*unblock/i.test(chunkFiftyCharactersWide) ) {



            let i = 0;

            while( wikitextstartIdx != "{" && i < 50 ) {




            if( i == 50 ) {



            startIdx--; // templates start with two opening curly braces

            var initialText = wikitext.substring( startIdx, textIdx );

            return initialText;


        throw new Error( "Searching backwards failed!" );


    if( mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceNumber" ) === 3 ) {


         * Is there a signature (four tildes) present in the given text,

         * outside of a nowiki element?


        function hasSig( text ) {

            // no literal signature?

            if( text.indexOf( SIGNATURE ) < 0 ) return false;

            // if there's a literal signature and no nowiki elements,

            // there must be a real signature

            if( text.indexOf( "<nowiki>" ) < 0 ) return true;

            // Save all nowiki spans

            var nowikiSpanStarts = []; // list of ignored span beginnings

            var nowikiSpanLengths = []; // list of ignored span lengths

            var NOWIKI_RE = /<nowiki>.*?<\/nowiki>/g;

            var spanMatch;

            do {

                spanMatch = NOWIKI_RE.exec( text );

                if( spanMatch ) {

                    nowikiSpanStarts.push( spanMatch.index );

                    nowikiSpanLengths.push( spanMatch0].length );


            } while( spanMatch );

            // So that we don't check every ignore span every time

            var nowikiSpanStartIdx = 0;

            var SIG_RE = new RegExp( SIGNATURE, "g" );

            var sigMatch;


            do {

                sigMatch = SIG_RE.exec( text );

                if( sigMatch ) {

                    // Check that we're not inside a nowiki

                    for( var nwIdx = nowikiSpanStartIdx; nwIdx <

                        nowikiSpanStarts.length; nwIdx++ ) {

                        if( sigMatch.index > nowikiSpanStartsnwIdx ) {

                            if ( sigMatch.index + sigMatch0].length <=

                                nowikiSpanStartsnwIdx + nowikiSpanLengthsnwIdx ) {

                                // Invalid sig

                                continue matchLoop;

                            } else {

                                // We'll never encounter this span again, since

                                // headers only get later and later in the wikitext

                                nowikiSpanStartIdx = nwIdx;




                    // We aren't inside a nowiki

                    return true;


            } while( sigMatch );

            return false;



         * Given the div of an unblock request, set up the UI and event

         * listeners.


        function setUpUi( unblockDiv ) {

            var container = document.createElement( "table" );

            container.className = "unblock-review";

            var hrEl = unblockDiv.querySelector( "hr" );

            container.innerHTML = "<tr><td class='reason-container' rowspan='2'>" +

                "<textarea class='unblock-review-reason mw-ui-input'" +

                " placeholder='Reason for accepting/declining here'>" + DECLINE_REASON_HERE + "</textarea></td>" +

                "<td><button class='unblock-review-accept mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive'>Accept</button></td></tr>" +

                "<tr><td><button class='unblock-review-decline mw-ui-button mw-ui-destructive'>Decline</button></td></tr>";

            unblockDiv.insertBefore( container, hrEl.previousElementSibling );

            var reasonArea = container.querySelector( "textarea" );

            $( container ).find( "button" ).click( function () {

                var action = $( this ).text().toLowerCase();

                var appealReason = hrEl.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.childNodes0].textContent;


                    mw.util.wikiScript( "api" ),


                        format: "json",

                        action: "query",

                        prop: "revisions",

                        rvprop: "content",

                        rvlimit: 1,

                        titles: mw.config.get( "wgPageName" )


                ).done( function ( data ) {

                    // Extract wikitext from API response

                    var pageId = Object.keys(data.query.pages)[0];

                    wikitext = data.query.pagespageId].revisions0]["*"];

                    var initialText = getInitialText(wikitext, appealReason);

                    // Build accept/decline reason

                    var reason = reasonArea.value;

                    if( !reason.trim() ) {

                        reason = DECLINE_REASON_HERE + " " + SIGNATURE;

                    } else if( !hasSig( reason ) ) {

                        reason = reason + " " + SIGNATURE;


                    wikitext = wikitext.replace( initialText + appealReason, "{" +

                        "{unblock reviewed|" + action + "=" + reason + "|1=" + appealReason );

                    var summary = ( action === "accept" ? "Accepting" : "Declining" ) +

                        " unblock request" + ADVERT;

                    ( new mw.Api() ).postWithToken( "csrf", {

                        action: "edit",

                        title: mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ),

                        summary: summary,

                        text: wikitext

                    } ).done ( function ( data ) {

                        if ( data && data. && data..result && data..result == "Success" ) {

                            window.location.reload( true );

                        } else {

                            console.log( data );


                    } );

                } );

            } );


        $.when( $.ready, mw.loader.using(  "mediawiki.api", "mediawiki.util"  ) ).then( function () {


                ".unblock-review td { padding: 0 }" +

                "td.reason-container { padding-right: 1em; width: 30em }" +

                ".unblock-review-reason { height: 5em }" );

            importStylesheet( "User:Enterprisey/mw-ui-button.css" );

            importStylesheet( "User:Enterprisey/mw-ui-input.css" );

            var userBlockBoxes = document.querySelectorAll( "div.user-block" );

            for( var i = 0, n = userBlockBoxes.length; i < n; i++ ) {

                if( userBlockBoxesi].style"background-color" !== UNBLOCK_REQ_COLOR ) {




                // We now have a pending unblock request - add UI

                setUpUi( userBlockBoxesi );


        } );


} )();

// </nowiki>