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In-universe information
Occupation Assassin
Psycho Analyst
Origin Japan Japan
Fighting style Ansatsuken
(assassin fist)
Shaolin Kung Fu
Traditional Karate
(mixed martial arts)
Height5' 11" (180 cm)
Weight165 lbs (75 kg)
Blood typeO

chaosdarksoulz is a legendary figure [user] on the the YouTube website.
Joined in April 10th 2008, chaosdarksoulz has had more then 150,000 channel views, and over 900 subscribers.
But it is not these mere statistics that has made chaosdarksoulz a legend on YouTube.
Rather it is the outrageous and chaotic [as his name suggests] behavior that has caused uproar amongst countless users on YouTube.
Despite the fact he is infamous and possibly has many haters and critics, the fact remains he is recognized all over YouTube and his name has been echoed from user to user.
Feared by many, hated by some, understood by few...but has been acknowledged by everyone who has crossed his path as a, defiant, apathetic but moral rebel.



chaosdarksoulz is also known as "Jaki" (ja-ki) or "Chaos"
He hails from Japan Japan but is origins are rooted in England England
Many things remain unknown about him such as his height and weight but he is rumored to be an ( average) weight around 150 1bs and an (average) height between 5 and 6'
His eye color is a mix between Purple and Grey.
He tends to have short hair which is normally Black but at times has a darkened Red tone to it.


Often misunderstood, chaos (jaki) is looked down upon as a hateful person filled with rage and vengeance.
This stereotype naturally blossoms from misjudgment alongside chaos's defiant reckless behavior and attitude.
However, in all truth, chaos is a cool and calm person, holding three characteristics most dear to him. Loyalty, Honor and Respect.
None, if very few, can seem to understand his dark personality shrouded in mystery.
What he contemplates, his actions, how he portrays all leaves more questions then answers.



(good 阴)

Elegant in his words and calm in his nature...
Patient as one can be and appreciative of what he has been given.
Often looks out for those in need and amongst them there have been many strangers he has reached his hand out to help. He cannot rest peacefully knowing another person is at unease or harm and until he has solved their problem or at least tried to, he is not at comfort. Time and time again, he looks back on his life and relives his memories, regretful of his past and being swallowed by his sorrow, chaos is a silent poet who emanates his poetry elegantly like the air he breathes.


(bad 阳)

Truly chaotic, filled with hatred.
Hard tongued and disrespectful, emotionless and apathetic .
A state of mind which should be feared, unrelenting in his desire, attitude and actions, he will not rest till he has broken down his adversary.
He sacrifices what he must be it time health or otherwise but his foremost aim is to break down whoever it is that has bought him into this state of mind.
Truly a vengeful descent.