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Disturbia is written by the world most outstanding professional singer, Mustafizurahman.It released on 13 August 2008. The song is basically about mind disses and gore.It also becoming the world most best song ever on the music industry and also becoming the song of the year.It is recorded at Mustafizurahman town called Skudai on SMK Taman Desa Sudai.Unbelilivable the song took only 20 minites to record it.After the recording is done he quickly go to Sports Club located near in Taman Universiti to shooting for the video clip of the song.Later in the same day,the video and song is uploaded to iTunes and Youtube and break the the history of the world becoming the 1st video ever watched in the world and becoming the most download able song ever on the stated that the song is watched and heard 90 trillion in one second.

The Song Video Of Disurbia

The song has two video,one is the gorest and scariest video on the planet and one more is the natrual form but it still scary. Mustafizurahman stated only who have the strong fear not to watch the video. the video has lots of gore and scary moments,blood heads and many more.The video is the most gore and most scary video ever shown to human mankind.only 27 years above can watch and also download the video.for downlaod go to more is the natrual that all years can is clean it still use the gore as the concept for the video.