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 * Small script to help navigate the CU log.

 * Turns timestamps of a filtered CU log like on [//]

 * into links that try to locate the entry in the full log.

 * This simplifies looking at the context of a previous check.



    if ( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) == 'Special:CheckUserLog' )


		mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.user', 'moment'], function() {

			var paraCuloghighlight = mw.util.getParamValue('culogHighlight');

			var paraCusearch = mw.util.getParamValue('cuSearch');


			if (!paraCuloghighlight && !paraCusearch) return;


			//collect all date text nodes

			var dateNodes = $("#bodyContent > #mw-content-text > ul > li").map(function(i,n){return $(n).contents().first();})		


			//highlight all nodes with a matching date

			if (paraCuloghighlight)



					if(n0].textContent !== paraCuloghighlight) return;



					n.wrap("<span style='background-color:#FCC;'/>");


					//and scroll into view

					var windowtop = $(window).scrollTop();

					var windowbottom = windowtop + $(window).height();

					var ntop = n.parent().offset().top;

					var nbottom = ntop + n.parent().outerHeight(true);

					if (ntop < windowtop) $(window).scrollTop(ntop);

					else if (nbottom > windowbottom) $(window).scrollTop(nbottom + windowtop- windowbottom);




			//link all date nodes to the full log view

			if (paraCusearch)


				var locale = mw.config.get("wgUserLanguage");

				// Date parsing in Javascript is aweful.

				// Localized, configurable date output on Mediawiki doesn't make this any easier.

				// It's conceivable to write a parser that could match /most/ variants out there ...

				// but I'll just strict parse the English date formats instead

				var parsingStrings = {

					"en": {

						"mdy": "HH:mm, MMMM D, YYYY",

						"dmy": "HH:mm, D MMMM YYYY",

						"ymd": "HH:mm, YYYY MMMM D",

						"ISO 8601": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss",



				var localeParsingStrings = parsingStringslocale];

				if (localeParsingStrings)

					var parsingString = localeParsingStringsmw.config.get("wgDefaultDateFormat")];

				if (parsingString)

					var parseDate = function(input){return moment(input, parsingString + ", ", true);}


					var parseDate = moment;

				//Note: We append ", " above since the messages building the log lines, e.g. MediaWiki:Checkuser-log-entry-userips,

				//      look like this: $3, $1 got IP addresses for $2

				//      That is, they do in English! Might need adapting for other languages, or imprecise parsing, or some markup in the messages!

				//function lifted from popups.js

				function getTimeOffsetMinutes(tz)


					if( tz && typeof tz === 'string' )


						if( tz.indexOf('|') > -1 ) // New format

							return parseInt(tz.split('|')[1],10);

						else if ( tz.indexOf(':') > -1 ) // Old format

							return( parseInt(tz,10)*60 + parseInt(tz.split(':')[1],10) );


					return 0;



				var timeOffsetMinutes = getTimeOffsetMinutes(mw.user.options.get("timecorrection"));

				//calculate one hour into the future; this will be the upper limit of the log displayed

				timeOffsetMinutes -= 60;



					var dateText = $(this)[0].textContent;

					var timestamp = parseDate(dateText);

					if (!timestamp.isValid()) return;

					timestamp.subtract(timeOffsetMinutes, 'minutes');

					var dateOffsetString = timestamp.format("YYYYMMDDHHmm");

					return "<a href='"+mw.config.get("wgScript")+"?title=Special:CheckUserLog&offset="+mw.util.rawurlencode(dateOffsetString)+"&culogHighlight="+mw.util.rawurlencode(dateText)+"' />";





