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Kreekcraft is famous youtuber and his son's uncle is weird. His uncle is Ohio Dingle Tickler the 17th, also known as The Ohio Booty Tickler has escaped prison and Kreek's son does not like him at all.


There was something weird happening in the town of Derktown, Ohio. Residents were waking up feeling violated, their homes mysteriously invaded with a shadow looking figure. It was weird, the only evidence left behind by the intruder was an old sensation. Most reported feeling as though their buttocks had been tickled. Some even got infections.

This curious detail led the town to the invader the Ohio Butt Tickling Bandit; The Ohio Booty Tickler. Everyone had their guesses, but they were all wrong. And so, the town's anxiety grew. They decided it was time to call in the expert—Detective Criltims. Known for his sharp intuition and relentless pursuit, Criltims was the perfect man for the job. When he arrived in Derktown, he promptly began his investigation.

Criltims interviewed the victims, meticulously inspecting their homes for clues. As he delved further into the case, he noted an odd pattern—the bandit only struck on Mondays. That's the story for now.


  1. The Ohio meme started in 2019 and adapted "an Ohio Booty Tickler."
  2. Kreekcraft is a famous roblox youtuber that started in late 2015.
