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The Torah Temimah (תורה תמימה - from Psalms 19:8 תּוֹרַת ה תְּמִימָה "The Torah of Hashem is perfect.") is the magnum opus of Rabbi Baruch Epstein. Published in 1902, it is a commentary on the Torah and the Five Megillot, the object of which was "to show the interrelationship between the Oral and Written Law." [1] In so doing, Rabbi Epstein "weaves together related halachos and Aggadah together with concise explanations of the text." [2] Rabbi Epstein's method was "to quote comments and interpretations from the vast Rabbinical literature on each Biblical verse ( Bavli, Yerushalmi, Sifra, Sifre, Tosefta and Mechilta) and to then provide his own analysis of how the interpretations were deduced," [1] frequently offering a novel explanation on the statement. Despite its scholarly nature, the "clear and lucid style of this work makes learning enjoyable and accessible to all." [2]

See also


  1. ^ a b Rabbi Baruch HaLevi Epstein,
  2. ^ a b "Feldheim Publishers: Torah Temimah". Feldheim Publishers.