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Washington, Brandywine & Point Lookout Railroad
An 1881 map shows the planned Southern Maryland Railroad, which would become the Washington, Brandywine & Point Lookout Railroad
Locale Washington, D.C., to Seat Pleasant, Maryland, and Brandywine, Maryland, to Patuxent River, Maryland
Dates of operation1883–July 1954
Track gauge4 ft 8+12 in (1,435 mm) standard gauge

The Washington, Brandywine & Point Lookout Railroad (WB&PL) (originally, the Southern Maryland Railroad) was an American railroad that operated in southern Maryland and Washington, D.C., from 1883 to 1954. Its single-track line connected Patuxent River in Maryland to the Pennsylvania Railroad. It operated in and out of bankruptcy and changed its name numerous times.


Southern Maryland Railroad

Plans for a railroad to Point Lookout started in 1866. [1]

The Southern Maryland Railroad (SMR) was incorporated on March 20, 1868, “for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and working a railroad from some point in Prince George’s County to Point Lookout.” The planned right-of-way ran along the peninsula created by two rivers: the Potomac and Patuxent. The company's founders hoped that a rail line from the major north-south Potomac River crossings into Virginia near Washington, D.C., to a port on the Patuxent River near the Chesapeake Bay would spur agricultural and mineral businesses on the peninsula. [2]

The company quickly set its sights on running into Washington, D.C. [3]

Work began on surveying the route and raising the required money, but work on grading the rail line did not start until the spring of 1872. [4] That same year a competitor railroad, the Washington City and Point Lookout Railroad was incorporated and the following year authorized to run trains between Washington, D.C., and Point Lookout with connecting steamers to Norfolk, Virginia. It would be a thorn in the SMR's side though the only rail it would build was the Alexandria Extension. [5] By mid-1873, the SMR had built 30 miles of roadbed from Brandywine to St. Joseph's Church in Morganza and 12 miles north from Point Lookout. [6] Work was delayed by the Panic of 1873. SMR officials frequently promised to complete the work, but had laid down no rails or ties when it was forced into receivership in 1875. [7] In 1876, the SMR was investigated for defrauding the state of Maryland, the sole shareholder in the company.

In 1874, the U.S. Naval Board reported that Point Lookout, with its key location and deep water, would be a good location for a coaling station. The Navy also thought that the railroad, paired with a steamer, could cut the travel time between Washington and Norfolk by six hours. The Navy thus supported a bill that would guarantee the SMR a payment if they completed the railroad, but it never passed. [8] Nonetheless the promise of a guaranteed customer if the line could be completed drew the frequent attention of other railroaders.

In 1878, the WC&PL was authorized to purchase the SMR but never did. [9]

In March 1881, the railroad began to lay track from Brandywine where it would connect with the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad (later the Pope's Creek branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad). [10] The WC&PL also broke ground on its rail line to Point Lookout in 1881 and, like the SMR, it started at a connection with the Baltimore and Potomac at Brandywine. The two started work at almost the exact same time and their two roads were no more than 100 feet apart. At this point both companies had graded separated routes from Point Lookout to California, MD; but only the SMR had graded the road from California to Brandywine and so they were laying track faster. [11] [12] However, when it came time for them to issue more bonds to continue the work, a rumor that the SMR had secured a larger loan than the WC&PL scared off the WC&PL's English investors. The WC&PL formed an alliance with the B&O, but their plans were scuttled by company President John W. Garrett. Years later, when it became clear that endeavor was hopeless, the rails and ties, which had sat in piles in Brandywine were reallocated to the building of the Chesapeake Beach Railway. [13]

Over the next couple of years the SMR graded the railroad all the way to Esperanza (located on the Patuxent just downstream from the current Governor Thomas Johnson Bridge) and laid track to Mechanicsville. Trains began running between Brandywine and Mechanicsville in 1883. [14] At that time the railroad was still planning to build a line from Benning to Brandywine, to extend the line to Point Lookout and to build a spur off the mainline to Esperanza just across from Solomon's Island. [14] [15]

In 1882, the Southern was finally granted permission to enter the District of Columbia. [16] Work began on grading that 2.2 mile rail line from Benning via Deanwood in 1884 and some track was laid by 1885. [17] [18] By 1886, the railroad had laid down ties and some rail in D.C., but it never operated trains on this section, which later came under control of the Chesapeake Beach Railway. [19]

In 1885, having spent extensive money on construction but putting into operations only the lightly used line between Brandywine and Mechanicsville, the railroad went into default and in 1886 it was forcibly sold for $75,000 to a syndicate of Boston investors, who reincorporated it as the Washington and Potomac Railroad Company. [20]

Washington & Potomac Railroad

The Southern Maryland Railroad was eventually sold to a new company called the Washington & Potomac Railroad (W&P) on April 1, 1886 and trains continued to run until the end of 1889 when a fire destroyed the round-house, engines and rolling stock. [21] A lawyer from New York, working with the WC&PL, received permission from the underlying land owners to build another line on the same route and began running trains on the repaired W&P tracks but was stopped by an injunction brought by the legal owners of the W&P. [22] [23] [24] [25] After a lengthy 1892 court case, the WC&PL lost and was placed into receivership under control of the W&P. [26] The WC&PL was sold at public auction in 1895 for $2500. [27]

The WC&PL continued as an entity, owning land in the District of Columbia as late as 1935, but it was done running trains or building rail.

The W&P was unable to expand the rail line in any direction due to lack of funding, fighting by opposing railroads (like the Washington and Seaboard) who wanted to build the same connection and a constant need to extend the deadline to complete the road to Point Lookout. After their attempt to get an extension on the deadline was killed by the Maryland House in March of 1900, the Union Trust Company foreclosed on the railroad, it was put in receivership and then forcibly auctioned off on the steps of courthouse in Upper Marlboro in July for $100,000. [28] [29]

Washington, Potomac & Chesapeake Railway

After the Washington and Potomac was sold, there were many people interested in acquiring its assets and trying to connect it to Point Lookout and its strategic location and deep water, included a group headed by John Prentiss Poe and John's sons Edgar A. Poe and Johnny Poe. [30] But the group that secured the company in 1901, composed of Philadelphia capitalists called their corporation the Washington, Potomac & Chesapeake Railway(WP&CR). [31] John P. Poe, a lawyer, represented parties in several cases involving the rail line and eventually became a director of the WP&CR. [32]

They quickly set to exerting their control over the tracks the SMR had built in the District, beginning ejectment hearings against the Chesapeake Beach Railway in 1902. In 1898, the CBR took possession of this section of railway, presumably via a tax auction and used it for its operation, ejecting the W&P in 1901. [33] The case went to the Supreme Court and in 1905 WP&CR won and took title to the railway. [34] The CBR then stopped running on the DC section of the railway, instead stopping at the train station in Seat Pleasant called District Line. In 1911, the CBR started leasing the District section of the line and continued until the WP&CR went out of business in 1918. At that point they purchased the section. [35]

In 1903, the WP&CR sought to revive the SMR's rights to enter the District. [36]

In 1905, the railroad started acquiring right-of-way to extend the railroad to Esperanza, where the Navy was considering a base across from Drum Point, but no work was ever done. [37] [32]

In November 1909, the railroad went into foreclosure and was purchased by Henry Winfield Watson who brought in Edgar A. and John P. Poe and the new owners again planned to extend the railroad to Esperanza. [38] Watson tried to extend the rail line, but money from French investors fell through in 1911 and again in 1912 because of the war in Turkey. Owners of the competing Washington and Tidewater railroad, tried to get the state to force Watson to either build more rail or allow them to - as under Maryland law he was required to build 5 miles of rail by November 1914. [39] For years afterward, residents of St. Mary's County and owners of other chartered railroads tried to get the WP&CR's charter revoked as there was still interest in completing the line or a parallel one. [40] [41]

The railroad was eventually sold to a New York corporation that was then dissolved. On December 31, 1917 the railroad was shut down and it appeared to locals that they intended to tear up the tracks for scrap due to the high price of scrap metal during World War I. [42] Maryland's Senators then called on the US Government to buy the railroad to keep it from being removed, arguing that it had a critical national defense purpose. [43] When that failed, Congressman Syd Mudd had the government cancel the contracts to buy the scrap metal from the new owners and had the court intervene to prevent their removal. [44]

Washington, Brandywine & Point Lookout Railroad

WB&PL Engine No. 5 at Mechanicsville, Maryland, on September 1, 1934

After it was shut down and nearly scrapped in 1918, a new company, the Washington, Brandywine & Point Lookout Railroad was formed to purchase it. [45] That company, owned by locals along the line, was unable to raise the full amount needed so the Federal Government lent them the remainder, on the grounds of military necessity and that the government would oversee and supervise operations of the railroad and the purchase was completed in July of 1918. [46] By 1919 trains were running again, using a gasoline engine for passengers and a steam engine for freight. [47]

In November of 1921, work began on expanding the line to Hollywood and then to Esperanza with a spur off the main line south of California, where they hoped to gain access to an important freight terminal, and then later to Point Lookout. [48] The work was made easier because much of the route had been surveyed and graded in the 1880's. [49] They had hoped to reach Hollywood by the summer of 1922, but work stalled and the extension only made it as far as Forrest Hall, where a new station opened in 1926. [50] [51] In 1928, the railroad ended passenger service because it was no longer profitable. [52]

In the 1930s, revenues were dropping due to increased competition from the automobile and the line probably would have been gone for good, except for the intervention of World War II.

Navy control

By 1942, when the Navy's aeronautics bureau consolidated all of its aviations testing programs into one facility at Cedar Point, MD - the Patuxent River Naval Air Station, the government had foreclosed on its loan to the WB&PL and taken ownership of the railroad. [53] In June 1942, to move the vast amount of equipment needed to build and support the Naval Air Station, the Navy took over the line, extended it to Millstone Landing on the Patuxent River, the Air Station's northernmost point, and changed the name officially to the U.S. Naval Air Station Railroad although it was also known as the Brandywine and Cedar Point Railroad or just the U.S. Government Railroad. [54] The railroad, which first ran in April of 1943, [55] included a wye just north of Lexington Park with a small stub into north Lexington Park. It consisted of three diesel locomotives with 110 cars and 32 employees. [56] [53] The Navy operated an "accommodation" train that connected with the Pennsylvania Railroad in Brandywine until the PRR stopped passenger trains on the Pope's Creek Line in 1949. By 1952, the Navy had 55 miles of track, three diesel locomotives and three dozen railcars, but repairs became so costly by 1953 that the Navy decided to discontinue service and the last train ran in June 30, 1954. [52] [57]

Pennsylvania Railroad control

In 1954 the PRR took control. It continued to run a weekly train through St. Mary's and used the line to deliver aviation fuel to the base. However, when fuel started coming in by barge, the importance of the line dwindled. [52]

In 1962, the Pennsy built a spur off of the line from the north side of Hughesville to the new Chalk Point Generating Station to deliver coal, bringing renewed value to the northern 11.5 miles of track. [58] This track is called the Herbert Subdivision.

In 1965, with the Cedar Point branch in bad shape, the PRR stopped running trains on it.

After operations

In 1966, the Navy said it no longer needed the line and the line south of Hughesville was declared government excess. [52] [59]

When train operation ceased on the section from Hughesville to Patuxent, it was offered for sale by the GSA, but there were no takers. On June 26, 1970, the St. Mary's County Commissioners purchased 28 miles of the abandoned right-of-way from Hughesville, Maryland, to Patuxent River, Maryland for a utility corridor. [57] [60]

The tracks were removed in the mid-1970s.

In the 1990's and 2000's the state considered the right of way for a light rail line. [61] [62]


Original line: pre-1926

  • Brandywine
  • Cedarville
  • Woodville
  • Gallant Green
  • Hughesville
  • Oaks
  • Charlotte Hall
  • New Market
  • Mechanicsville (original terminus)

In 1926, the line was extended to Forrest Hall

  • Forrest Hall

In 1942, the federal government took over operations of the railroad, extended the line, and added these stops:

  • Laurel Grove
  • Oakville
  • Hillville
  • Hollywood
  • California
  • USN Pax River

After 1954: Pennsylvania Railroad operation

  • Lexington Park

When the Navy decided it no longer wanted to operate the line 1954, the PRR took over operations, moving freight and occasionally a USN passenger car or caboose for special movements to/from the Brandywine Junction, which became a Department of Defense Warehouse and shipping point until it was destroyed by fire. The Brandywine terminal was U.S. government property and was maintained by Public Works personnel from Patuxent River. The terminal was turned over to the Air Force just before it burned.

Surviving landmarks

  • CSXT trackage that runs from Brandywine to Hughesville, where it connects to a spur to the Chalk Point Generating Station. These tracks are now part of CSX's Herbert Subdivision
  • From Hughesville to John V. Baggett Park, the railroad's right-of-way is used as a utility corridor and the northern 10.6-miles of the Three Notch Trail. Its first mile opened on June 3, 2006; and the last piece of this section was finished in 2016. [63]
  • From John V. Baggett Park to South Sandgates Road, and from Rescue Lane to FDR Boulevard the right-of-way is used for the southbound lanes of MD-235
  • Mileposts, MP13 & W still exist.
  • From South Sandgates Road to Rescue Lane and from FDR Boulevard to Pegg Road the right-of-way is a utility corridor and a future route of the Three Notch Trail, though some short sections of the trail have been built in this area.
  • At the Naval Air Station the right-of-way is used for parts of Bose Road, Davis Spur Road, Tate Road and Bonnie Road and tracks remain in the Supply Department section of the base as well as across one of the runways.
  • The Point Lookout Railroad Trail in Point Lookout State Park was constructed on the cleared right-of-way of the railroad at Point Lookout


  1. ^ "Corporators of the Point Lookout Road". The Baltimore Sun. 6 February 1866.
  2. ^ Laws of the State of Maryland. Maryland. General Assembly. State Department of Legislative Reference. 1868. pp. 231–236. Retrieved 6 June 2024.
  3. ^ "Point Lookout Railroad". The Baltimore Sun. 12 February 1869.
  4. ^ "LETTER FROM WASHINGTON: Southern Claims--Postal Changes--Baltimore and Potomac and Southern Maryland Railroad Construction--German Political Meetings--Butler on Lobbying--Local News". The Baltimore Sun. 27 April 1872.
  5. ^ "An Act to authorize the Washington City and Point Lookout Railroad Company to extend a Railroad into and within the District of Columbia" (PDF). Retrieved 6 June 2024.
  6. ^ "The Southern Maryland Railroad-Its Progress and Advantages". The Baltimore Sun. 18 July 1873.
  7. ^ "LETTER FROM WASHINGTON: The Treasury Robbery Case--Judgment on the Attachment Case--Postal Affairs--The Burglar Schneider--The Colored People and the Schools". The Baltimore Sun. 24 August 1875.
  8. ^ "Business in the Committees". The Baltimore Sun. 27 February 1878.
  9. ^ "Maryland Session Laws, 1878". 1878.
  10. ^ "THE POINT LOOKOUT ROAD.: Work Begun on the New Outlet for Southern Maryland". The Baltimore Sun. 23 March 1881.
  11. ^ "THE POINT LOOKOUT RAILROAD". The Baltimore Sun. 11 March 1881.
  12. ^ "Proposed Railroads in Southern Maryland". The Baltimore Sun. 26 March 1881.
  13. ^ Dimock, Anthony Weston (1915). Wall Street and the Wilds. Outing publishing Company. pp. 335–338.
  14. ^ a b "Brevities". The Washington Post. 4 October 1883.
  16. ^ "Midshipmen Ordered Home-- Star-Route-Cases--Removal of De Long's Remains, &c". The Baltimore Sun. 30 June 1882.
  17. ^ "CITY NEWS IN BRIEF". The Washington Post. 10 June 1884.
  18. ^ "Work on the Southern Maryland Railroad". The Evening Star. 9 June 1884.
  19. ^ "The Washington and Potomac Railroad". The Evening Star. 2 April 1886.
  20. ^ "Sale of the Southern Maryland Railroad". The Baltimore Sun. 14 January 1886.
  21. ^ "Railroad Litigation". The Baltimore Sun. 14 July 1892.
  22. ^ "Maryland Items". The Baltimore Sun. 19 February 1891.
  23. ^ "Railroad Progress and Development". The Baltimore Sun. 11 March 1891.
  24. ^ "Order issued in a Railroad Case". The Baltimore Sun. 4 June 1892.
  25. ^ "A Railroad Decision". The Baltimore Sun. 10 October 1892.
  26. ^ "The Point Lookout Railroad". The Baltimore Sun. 19 October 1892.
  27. ^ "Point Lookout Railroad". The Baltimore Sun. 4 November 1895.
  28. ^ "SALE OF A RAILROAD". The Baltimore Sun. 19 July 1900.
  29. ^ "The Washington and Potomac". The Baltimore Sun. 23 May 1900.
  30. ^ "Point Lookout Road". The Baltimore Sun. 27 September 1900.
  31. ^ "Railway to Point Lookout". The Washington Post. 22 September 1901.
  32. ^ a b "To wait for business". The Baltimore Sun. 12 August 1905.
  33. ^ "Railroads In Ejectment Proceedings". The Baltimore Sun. 14 January 1902.
  34. ^ "Chesapeake Beach R Co v. Washington P & C R Co, 199 U.S. 247 (1905)".
  35. ^ Boutell, Hugh G. (May 1942). "The Chesapeake Beach Railway". The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin (58): 32–45. JSTOR  43516774.
  36. ^ "Washington, Potomac And Chesapeake Wants To Come In". The Baltimore Sun. 10 December 1903.
  37. ^ "For Railroad Extension". The Washington Post. 5 July 1905.
  38. ^ "Extension Their Plan". The Baltimore Sun. 16 March 1910.
  39. ^ "To attack its Charter". The Baltimore Sun. 14 November 1912.
  40. ^ "Capitol to Bay Line". The Washington Post. 6 August 1912.
  41. ^ "ASK DISSOLUTION OF W.P.& C. LINE". The Washington Post. 1 December 1917.
  42. ^ "Sorely Miss Old Train". The Baltimore Sun. 12 March 1918.
  43. ^ "WANT U. S. TO TAKE OVER ROAD". The Baltimore Sun. 5 March 1918.
  44. ^ "Saved From Junk Pile". The Baltimore Sun. 29 April 1918.
  45. ^ "Old Railroad is Saved". The Baltimore Sun. 13 May 1918.
  46. ^ "So. Md. Railroad Bought In". The Baltimore Sun. 8 July 1918.
  47. ^ ""Gas" Engine Draws Train". The Baltimore Sun. 31 October 1919.
  48. ^ "Ask Funds for Extension". The Washington Post. 22 March 1922.
  49. ^ "With Work Actually Under Way, St. Mary's Hopes to Have R.R.". The Baltimore Sun. 8 January 1922.
  50. ^ "Brandywine Road Plans Extension". The Washington Post. 16 January 1922.
  51. ^ "Trunk Line Association Docket". The Traffic Bulletin. 27: 24. 26 February 1926. Retrieved 5 June 2024.
  52. ^ a b c d Leibe, Paul C. (27 December 2006). "Trains once rolled regularly through St. Mary's" (PDF). The Enterprise. Retrieved 5 June 2024.
  53. ^ a b Reynolds, Patrick M. (27 May 2012). "Flashbacks - The Navy's Railroad". The Washington Post.
  54. ^ "Federal Railroad to Ease Shipping". The Baltimore Sun. 24 September 1942.
  55. ^ Baker, E T (18 April 1943). "Mr. And Mrs. Jones Ride The Steam Cars". The Baltimore Sun.
  56. ^ "Map of Calvert County Showing the Topography and Election Districts" (PDF). State of Maryland Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources. Retrieved 5 June 2024.
  57. ^ a b "Amendments to Senate Bill 256" (PDF). 1998.
  58. ^ "Power Plant in a Hurry". The Washington Post. 23 January 1963.
  59. ^ "Group Discusses Saving Of Patuxent's Rail Lane". The Washington Post. 17 February 1966.
  60. ^ "Three Notch Trail". Retrieved 18 June 2024.
  61. ^ Mangaliman, Jessie (5 April 1998). "St. Mary's Sees Costly Flaw in Dyson Bill to Create Light Rail". The Washington Post.
  62. ^ "Official Offers Road Map For Fixing Traffic Troubles: Dyson Wants to Bring Light Rail to Southern Maryland". The Washington Post. 2 February 2006.
  63. ^ "Three Notch Trail Awarded $4.1 Million in Funding for 3.3 Mile Extension". 29 September 2018. Retrieved 20 May 2020.

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