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Morkai is a tribe that lives around the Tabibuga Station of Jimi District in Papua New Guinea. The tribe is subdivided into the smaller clans: Kimbaka, Keska, Galeboka, Maika, Nipka and Parka. The Tabibuga Station stands on Galemboka's and Kimbaka's land mass.

The Morkai tribe speaks the Narak language. There is no intermarriage between the Kimbaka - Keska and Galemboka clans, but there is marriage between the rest of the clans.

The normal livelihood of Morkai is subsistence agriculture. Their main staple food is kaukau ( sweet potato), with other seasonal food such as taro, yams and cassavas. Mareta (red panda-nut) is a popular cash crop and is also mainly used for exchanges and bride price gifts.

Pigs are a wide form of livestock wealth. Pigs are also traded for cash or used in exchange for compensation payments and bride price payments. Also pigs are slaughtered for ceremonial activities.