From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

local get_args = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs;

local lang_mod = require('Module:Lang')

--[[--------------------------< M A I N >----------------------------------------------------------------------


local function main (frame)

	local args_t = get_args (frame);

	local raw_rows_t = {};

	local width = table.concat ({'width:', args_t.width or '100%', ';'});

	local font_size = table.concat ({'font-size:', args_t.font_size or '88%', ';'});

	local name =;

	for tag, param_value in pairs (args_t) do

		if lang_mod._is_ietf_tag (tag) then										-- if tag is a valid language tag

			local language_link = lang_mod._name_from_tag ({tag, 'link' = 'yes'});

			local official_name = lang_mod._lang ({tag, param_value});

			table.insert (raw_rows_t, table.concat ({							-- build a basic row

				'| style=\"padding-left:0.5em\" | ',							-- indent style same for each row

				language_link,													-- language link in the 'language column'

				': || ',														-- column separator

				official_name,													-- offical name in the official name column






	table.sort (raw_rows_t);													-- ascending sort because pairs() doesn't obey template parameter order


	local output_t = {};														-- final output collected here

	local header_t = {};														-- wikitable header stuff collected here


	table.insert (header_t, '{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"');			-- open wikitable as collapsed

	table.insert (header_t, 'style="');											-- begin table styling

	table.insert (header_t, width);												-- set width

	table.insert (header_t, font_size);											-- set font_size

	table.insert (header_t, 'text-align:left; border-collapse:collapse;"');		-- finish table styling

	table.insert (output_t, table.concat (header_t));							-- concatenate into a big string and save


	if name then

		table.insert (output_t, table.concat ({									-- build a 2-column header; shouldn't this properly be a caption for accessibility?

			'! colspan=2 style="text-align:center; border-top: 0px;" | ',		-- styling

			name,																-- and name

			'\n|- style="border-bottom:1px solid #aaa"'							-- add a bottom boarder



	table.insert (output_t, table.concat (raw_rows_t, '\n|- style="border-bottom:1px solid #aaa"\n'));	-- make a big string of row data

	table.insert (output_t, '|}');												-- close the wikitable


	return table.concat (output_t, '\n');										-- make a damn big string and done


--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D   F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------


return {

	main = main
