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Maldevelopment is the state of an organism or an organisation that did not develop in the "normal" way (used in medicine, e.g. "brain maldevelopment of a fetus"). It was introduced as a human and social development term in France in the 1990s by Samir Amin to challenge the concept of " underdevelopment." The word maldéveloppement did not exist before then (the medical terms are malformation or développement anormal), so the word is a neologism meant to be analogous to the difference between undernutrition and malnutrition. [1]

Maldevelopment is a global concept that includes human and social development. Under the philosophy of sustainable development, economic development is only a "tool" that allows for greater human and social development, not the final goal. Under-development is a quantitative notion, implying that a nation has a lack and must gain something to reach a particular reference state—the state of the nation that judges another nation as underdeveloped. So this notion also implies a unique development model—the one of the judging nation.

Mal-development, or ill-development, is a qualitative notion that expresses a mismatch, a discrepancy between the conditions (economic, political, meteorological, cultural, etc.) and the needs and means of the people.

See also


  1. ^ "Evolutionary Change: Toward a Systemic Theory of Development and Maldevelopment". Retrieved 7 January 2017.