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In Greek mythology, Elephantis ( Ancient Greek: Ἐλεφαντίδος) was one of the multiple women of Danaus, king of Libya. She became the mother of two Danaides: Hypermnestra and Gorgophone. The latter married and murdered her husband Proteus during their wedding night while Hypermnestra spared the life of her spouse Lynceus. [1] These couples then started a new line of the Argive dynasty and became the ancestors of Acrisius, Danae, Perseus, Heracles, etc.

According to Hippostratus, Danaus had all his progeny begotten by Europa, the daughter of the river-god Nilus. [2] In some accounts, he married Melia, daughter of his uncle Agenor, king of Tyre. [3]

Argive genealogy

Argive genealogy in Greek mythology
Inachus Melia
Zeus Io Phoroneus
Epaphus Memphis
Libya Poseidon
Belus Achiroë Agenor Telephassa
Danaus Elephantis Aegyptus Cadmus Cilix Europa Phoenix
Mantineus Hypermnestra Lynceus Harmonia Zeus
Sparta Lacedaemon Ocalea Abas Agave Sarpedon Rhadamanthus
Eurydice Acrisius Ino Minos
Zeus Danaë Semele Zeus
Perseus Dionysus
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