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pH Scale: The pH scale is used to specify how acidic or basic a water-based solution is. It typically ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. A pH less than 7 indicates acidity, while a pH greater than 7 indicates a base.

Strong Acids and Bases: Strong acids and bases almost completely dissociate in water. Examples of strong acids include hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄), and nitric acid (HNO₃). Examples of strong bases include sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH).

Normality (N): Normality is a measure of concentration equal to the gram equivalent weight per liter of solution. It's used in acid-base chemistry.

Calculating pH:

For strong acids: pH = -log[H⁺]. The concentration of H⁺ ions is equal to the normality of the acid since strong acids completely dissociate.

For strong bases: pOH = -log[OH⁻], and pH = 14 - pOH. The concentration of OH⁻ ions is equal to the normality of the base for strong bases.

Let's calculate the pH for 1N, 2N, 5N, and 10N solutions of a strong acid and a strong base:

1N Strong Acid: The concentration of H⁺ ions is 1 mol/L. So, pH = -log(1) = 0.

2N Strong Acid: The concentration of H⁺ ions is 2 mol/L. However, pH cannot exceed 0, as this is the practical limit for strong acids in water. So, it's typically considered as pH ≈ 0.

5N and 10N Strong Acids: Same reasoning as for 2N. pH ≈ 0.

1N Strong Base: The concentration of OH⁻ ions is 1 mol/L. Therefore, pOH = -log(1) = 0, and pH = 14.

2N Strong Base: The concentration of OH⁻ ions is 2 mol/L, but since the pH scale in water ranges up to 14, it remains at pH = 14.

5N and 10N Strong Bases: Similar to 2N, the pH remains at 14.

The actual pH values of strong acids and bases can vary widely depending on their concentration and temperature. However, in general, strong acids and bases dissociate completely in water, which affects their pH significantly.

pH of Strong Acids (e.g., Hydrochloric acid, Sulfuric acid, Nitric acid):

In their pure form, these acids have very low pH values (often below 1).

As the concentration decreases (e.g., in 1N, 2N solutions), the pH decreases but remains strongly acidic (usually below 3).

Strong acids completely dissociate in water.

Examples include hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and nitric acid (HNO3).

The pH of a strong acid solution is determined by its concentration. For instance: 1N HCl has a pH of 0. Higher concentrations (like 2N, 5N) would still have a pH around 0, but the actual pH can be slightly negative due to the logarithmic nature of the pH scale.

pH of Strong Bases (e.g., Sodium hydroxide, Potassium hydroxide):

In their pure form, these bases have very high pH values (often above 13).

As the concentration decreases (e.g., in 1N, 2N solutions), the pH also decreases but remains strongly basic (usually above 11).

Strong bases also completely dissociate in water.

Examples include sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH).

The pH of strong bases is determined similarly by their concentration. 1N NaOH has a pH of about 14. Higher concentrations will also have a pH around 14, but like strong acids, the pH can exceed the typical 0-14 range in highly concentrated solutions.

Regarding the specific pH values after preparing working solutions like 1N, 2N, 5N, 10N, etc., the exact pH can depend on several factors including the specific acid or base, the purity of the water, and environmental conditions. For precise pH values, it's typically necessary to measure the pH directly using a pH meter or indicator.

For example:

A 1N solution of Hydrochloric acid (HCl) typically has a pH of around 0.

A 1N solution of Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) typically has a pH of about 14.

Effect of Dilution:

When you prepare working solutions with different normalities, you're essentially diluting the acid or base. This dilution affects the pH: For acids, as you decrease the normality (say, from 10N to 1N), the pH increases (becomes less acidic). For bases, a decrease in normality (from 10N to 1N) results in a decrease in pH (becomes less basic).

Practical Considerations:

In a lab setting, when preparing these solutions, safety precautions must be taken, especially with high normality solutions which are extremely corrosive. Also, it's important to note that the pH meter or indicator used must be capable of accurately measuring pH in these extreme conditions, as standard pH meters are typically calibrated for the 0-14 range.

Theoretical vs. Actual pH:

Theoretically calculated pH values for strong acids and bases might slightly differ from actual values due to factors like temperature, ionic strength of the solution, and the presence of other ions.


1."Chemistry: The Central Science" by Brown, LeMay, Bursten, Murphy, and Woodward.

2."Principles of Modern Chemistry" by Oxtoby, Gillis, and Campion.

3."Chemical Principles" by Peter Atkins and Loretta Jones.

4."Quantitative Chemical Analysis" by Daniel C. Harris.

5."Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry" by Skoog, West, Holler, and Crouch.

6."CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics"