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Allacher Forest

The Allacher Forest is a forest north of Munich, in the district of Allach-Untermenzing.


The Allacher Forest is located north of the Munich North marshalling train yard, between the Munich districts of Allach, Ludwigsfeld and Karlsfeld, a municipality of the district of Dachau. [1]

Allacher Forest


The Allacher Forest is a remnant of the former Lohwaldgürtel [2] north of Munich with over 1 km² area. In addition to old linden trees and oak trees, there are also sycamore maples, spruces, mountain elms, pine trees and ash trees. Numerous types of flowers bloom here in the spring - including lungwort, cowslip or wood anemone. In addition, there are more than 300 different types of mushrooms there. [1]

The Munich North marshalling yard - a large displacement and container station, was built on the southern edge of the Allacher Forest in 1991. [3] This led to criticism from conservationists since 174 hectares of biotope area was destroyed. On a 5 km long and 500 m wide area, with 356 connections and over 120 km of tracks, up to 4000 railway cars are handled there every day. [1] The Allacher Forest is now a rare riparian forest, that after massive protests from the population and the experts, the A99 motorway ring Munich Northwest crosses under the Allacher Forst in the so-called Tunnel Allach.

The landscape lake Allacher Lohe, as well as a forest classroom are found in the forest.

The Allacher Forest is designated as a nature conservation reserve (NSG-00573.01, WDPA ID: 318087) and the northwestern part is also a landscape conservation area (LSG-00120.06, WDPA ID: 395563). [4] Furthermore, the Allacher Forst is reported together with the south located Angerlohe as a fauna-flora-habitat area (FFH area No. 7734-302) [5] for the European biotope network to the European Union. [4]

The Allacher Forest is part of the Münchner Grüngürtel (Munich green belt).


  1. ^ a b c "München: Allacher Forst". (in German). Retrieved 29 January 2019.
  2. ^ "Allacher Forst: Schatzkästlein neben der Autobahn" (in German). rondamuenchen. Retrieved 29 January 2019.
  3. ^ "Rangierbahnhof München Nord" (in German). Luftbilder München. Archived from the original on 30 April 2019. Retrieved 29 January 2019.
  4. ^ a b "Landschaftsschutzgebiet Angerlohe" (in German). Landeshauptstadt München. Retrieved 29 January 2019.
  5. ^ "Fauna-Flora-Habitatgebiet Allacher Forst und Angerloh" (in German). Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten. 2000. Retrieved 29 January 2019.

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